T h i r t y - e i g h t

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The next morning, Taylor was completely in parent duty as she woke up at four am, prepared breakfast, woke the two sleepyheads up, then they got going.

"Bye, White Queen. Have fun at school, UNO Princess." Louis said and entered his car.

Taylor carried Alison and let her sit on the passenger seat. It's a bit of a long drive from here to her school so Taylor was expecting a little chat. She smiled while looking at Alison, proud because she's starting to get used to it, even if it's just day one. She dressed Alison up in a floral white dress and tiny doll shoes. Her curly brown hair was lying on her back, with two small braids from each side of her head meeting at the center. Of course, Taylor had to add a few hair accessories, she couldn't help herself, she just had to.

She made sure she was driving really slow. Bad decision but she didn't regret it even if they got caught up in traffic afterwards. She glanced at Alison, who was playing with the tips of her curly locks, her feet tapping on air and she won't stop biting her lower lip. Taylor knew every one of those habits were Harry's and he only does that when he's nervous or something bothering him.

Go ahead, ask. Taylor took a very deep breath and faced Alison. "Hey, princess." She called and Alison faced her. "Is something bugging you?"

"Will mommy and daddy get better while I'm away?" She asked innocently. Of course, she didn't know what was going on, Taylor was still left to explain that.

"What did Auntie Gemma tell you?" Taylor asked.

"Well, that they are sick right now but they will be better soon. They will be, right, Dr. Swift?" Alison looked at her with pleading eyes.

Taylor was uncertain of the answer but she knew she can't say anything negative or hope-rising to the child. "Don't worry about it, it's just a process, after that, it's a straight shot home." She said. . . okay, what I said was hope-rising and it sucks too. Give me a break, I have no idea how to handle a child in these situations, them crying over little things was one thing but having these types of conversations with them, no.

"Hey, if anything is bothering you, you could always tell me, okay?" She said, trying to be at least comforting to Alison. If she couldn't be the 'guardian' figure, then probably she could just work on being the adult who helps her out. Which is almost the same as guardian.

Alison nodded. "Yes, Dr. Swift."

Taylor dropped Alison off to her school then sped off because she was almost late for her shift. Her day went smoothly fine, though she wasn't used to the noisy surroundings, she still adjusted to it. Everything about this simple arrangement felt strange because she wasn't used to anything about this, the shift, the house, taking care of a child and having personal communications to her, it was strange.

A lot of things are going to change now. Get used to it.


It was the same scenario everyday for the next few days. Only, Louis and Taylor took turns day by day on who's taking Alison to and from school and who's cooking for the entire day. Louis and her argue a lot mostly because of simple things like what's for dinner.

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