Roy Mustang x Reader; Fire vs Water.

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My stuff is not going to get upsetting unless I feel the need to express my feelings through my writing, which is unlikely as I like happy things! Anyway, here be Roy~
Oh yeah!! You're a state alchemist - the Aquamist as you use water! (See what I did there?)
'Yawn... Führer King Bradley is so boring!' She screeched internally, having to sit through another board meeting involving the King and his rich cronies; along with the one person she couldn't stand whatsoever...

Who coincidentally was sat directly beside her.

Mustang was far from pleased. The Aquamist was messing around with the Fullmetal Alchemist within the meeting, and as the colonel already had a strong dislike towards the pair, it was even worse. 'Just once... I want (Y/N) to listen in a god damn meeting!'

As Mustang started praying for the meeting to end, the King stood and left, everyone standing up and saluting as he left the room.
Once the King left, Roy dropped his salute and smacked the two chatter boxes around the head. "You are both a pAIN! When in a meeting, you listen, nOT GIGGLE." The colonel told the pair, who just appeared to be upset at the fact they were told off.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Buzzkill, but I cannot concentrate when the room is so dead." (Y/N) replied, messing about with the empty glass in her hand, messing about with the little water inside it to create a mini tidal wave.

Mustang grew irritated, only to turn green with envy as Ed kissed (Y/N)'s cheek. "I'll see you later, (N/N)-chan!" Ed hollered as he left the room, only making Mustang more and more infuriated. He had no words, yet even though he hated the fact that the two other alchemists were so close and chatty, what he hated more was that he had feelings for the (H/C) ever since he went on an assignment.

~Flashback Time~

Roy and (Y/N) were just newly enrolled alchemists, and their first assignment was set in Ishval.

They were on the train and as they were two of the four or five newbies, and they stuck together.
They chatted and chatted, until night fell as the two felt sleepy.

They were given their evening meals, but once that was eaten and cleared away, the (H/C)'s (E/C) eyes slowly dropped closed and her head fell on Roy's shoulder. She clearly wasn't awkward around him, it was clear of that, nor was he around her, but he was taken aback by her sudden actions.

Roy studied her sleeping features, only to have Havoc come over, wink at him and study the girl.

Mustang knew what he was thinking.

"No, Jean. I'm not dating her-." He then saw Havoc was about to interrupt and carried on. "-And no, you cannot date her."
The smoking man looked dejected, but it wasn't the end of the world, he flirted with Hawkeye instead...

That didn't work out...

For him.

Roy fell asleep soon after, and then the carriage fell silent...

For about 4 hours; before Ishvalan Alchemy began to tear away at the train car.
The doors of the cars? They disintegrated. The windows? They shattered. The first layer of the car, which protects the cables? Well and truly pulled away like pork.

The only thing that woke (Y/N) up is when Roy moved in front of her to shield her from an explosion caused by colliding alchemy.
Once it dawned on (Y/N) what had happened, she got to the emergency break which was in the empty driver's compartment, stopped the train from approaching the next station and hopped out, only to see that she could completely wipe out the enemy by using her alchemy as they were beside a river.

She fell off the train and onto the track, only to have Mustang tell her name. She replied, simply by hollering in return. "Get to a well-sheltered place, Roy!" And he did what he was told.
The (H/C) out her palms together before placing them on the ground beside the fast-flowing river, and created a tidal wave which flooded the dying land surrounding them and cleaned the debris from the train carriages, not to mention wash away the Ishvalans who were attacking the train.

Mustang wasn't prepared for the attack and was knocked over, before swallowing a small amount down the wrong pipe. Once (Y/N) got up to the train, she saw all the opponents were washed out, and Mustang was on the floor, drifting from consciousness.

She ran over and cradled him, calling his name.

"Roy! Roy! Havoc, help..." Was all he heard before he passed out.

~End of Flashback~

In all fairness, they both had feelings, but for their jobs, it was risky to be in a relationship with the other.

"Lieutenant (L/N), about what happened on that day..." Roy began, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, turning a soft pink. "Thank you... I never expected to see you in such use... And I never properly thanked you so.." He pursed his lips and gently held (Y/N)'s chin, then pressed his lips to his cheek.

(Y/N) just turned red, and held the hand that was one her face and leaned close to him. "Oi, you missed." She smirked and pressed her lips against his, only to feel his large hands trail to her waist.

Al and Ed walked in to see this, and they cheered loudly, interrupting their pair that pulled away at the speed of light.
I am so sorry for the really late update!! I didn't mean for this too take so long, but as I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend, as well as had college and a job to keep together whilst keeping my mind in a good place, writing just didn't really happen... But I'm good at the moment, and I will be announcing soon which fandom is next!

This means once I've posted this, I'll write it and put up a meme.

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