Chapter 42

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Time skip to Friday~

Seth POV~

"Okay class  you should almost be done with your landscape drawings!" Mrs. Jonah's voice rings out over the quiet classroom. I stare at my picture which was decent looking but the other kids in my class was way more artistic.

"That looks great Seth." Mrs. Jonah says taking my paper from me. "I love all the shading...." Her voice drowns into the back while i stare at the board. Ever since Garrett said that he loved me i couldnt get it out of my head and tonight we was going out for our first date. He said that we were going to a log cabin that Sherry owned. I was so excited! I was typically a innocent person but i could imagine what could happen at the cabin. I could imagine the dirty things that might happen. A blush starts on my face. "Seth?" Mrs. Jonah Taps my shoulder. I hadnt realized that i had put my head down on the desk.

"Yeah?" I blink looking at her.

"Oh dear do you feel okay? Youre face is all red." She puts her forearm across my forehead with a worried look on her face. "Maybe you should go to the nurse." I nod and stand. Mrs. Jonah smiles at me while i grab my backpack and walk out of the room. I stare at the ground as i walk. I run into someone almost falling. Jazz looks up at me wide eyed from the floor.

"Seth! Oh gosh sorry!" She stands quickly then smiles.

"Oh hey Jazz sorry." She tilts her head then shakes her head quickly before grabbing my arm.

"Guess what!" She shakes my arm.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Emmitt kissed me!" I couldnt help smiling.

"Sweet." She lets go of my arm.

"Hey look over theres Garrett." She points at Garrett who is standing leaning against the wall. My mind goes back to the log cabin making me blush again. "Awh." She laughs and Garrett looks up and smiles at me. "Have fun." Jazz says before walking into the gym. 

"Hey." Garrett says smiling. "Why are you blushing?" He tilts his head raising his eyebrow.

"F..fever." I mumble.

"Lets go get you a wet towel." He pulls me to the bathroom. He lets go of me wetting a paper towel. "Here." He dabs my forehead gently with the paper towel. I watch him and smile slightly. 

"Thanks." I say softly. "I was going to the nurse, guess i dont need to." 

"The redness is gone." Garrett says. I nod watching the concern leave his face. He smiles then kisses me. I stretch up to wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. He takes a step forward pressing my back against the wall. I gasp at the coldness from the wall, Garrett slips his tongue into my mouth when i gasp. I pull him closer to me letting his tongue take dominance over mine. Garrett presses against me biting my lip before moving to kiss my neck. I close my eyes and jump when the loud ring of the bell echos through the bathroom. Garrett pulls away from me grinning. A Dark red blush forms on my face. Garrett kisses me again, more lightly then before, before leaving the bathroom leaving me to stand there.

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