"I'm going to kill Sophie when I see her," Klaus growled angrily. "She's supposed to be looking after you - all of the witches are!"

"It wasn't Sophie, it was Agnes," Rebekah argued.

"Well I don't care who it was; Sophie, Agnes, it makes no difference to me, I'll kill the lot of them," Klaus vented angrily.

"No, we'll speak to Sophie and get to the bottom of this," Rebekah snapped, trying to get her brother to see reason. "You won't take any action, because Elijah has been in contact and says that we must look after Hayley."

"What?" Klaus's head snapped up to Rebekah's face at the same time mine did. Elijah had been in contact? What did that mean? "You've seen Elijah."

"Not quite, but he managed to get me a message. He's going to deal with the little witch girl, and all we have to do is protect Hayley and the baby," Rebekah said softly, a small smile appearing on Hayley's face. I felt a low growl build in my throat as I watched her. "So, let's just get Hayley home."

"I want nothing more than a shower and to sleep for a few days," Hayley sighed, letting herself rest against Rebekah.

Rebekah gave Klaus a nod, who sighed before nodding back. Hayley pushed herself up to her feet with the help of Rebekah, but seemed to lose her balance the second Rebekah let her go. Klaus caught her before she hit the floor, and lifted her gently into his arms. "I've got you, Little Wolf," He whispered as he carried her to the car.

I stepped out of the shadows as Rebekah looked over to me. She looked shocked at first, so I bowed my head down, "Becs," She frowned.

I lifted my head back up, jerking it in a nodding action before running back into the trees. If Elijah could get a message to Rebekah, why couldn't he get one to me? Why was Hayley more important than me? Oh yes, because she's carrying the Mikaelson miracle baby.

I made it back to the wooden house - if you could even call it a house, it was more like a shed - that Tyler and I were staying in and transformed back into my more human form. I walked inside and saw Tyler wasn't back yet. I grabbed one of his shirts from his duffle bag and pulled it over me, along with a pair of his boxers. I really should have taken my only set of clothes off before transforming into a wolf, but we were in too much of a hurry so I guess these will have to do for now.


Third Person POV

Davina and Elijah stood face to face in the attic of the old church. The whole building was shaking as she held her fallen friends violin in her hands. The wooden window covers flew open in the last moments of the overwhelming power surging through her body, before everything settled down again.

"Davina, the power you possess is too much for you. You need to learn to control it," Elijah said with a soft voice. "Now my mother was a very powerful witch, and she wrote all her spells in a Grimoire. These Grimoire's have everything you need in them to learn to control your power. I can get you them, if you let me leave here."

"You know the witches lied to me, and tried to trick me and you know how that turned out," Davina narrowed her eyes at Elijah cautiously.

"I am not tricking you, Davina, this is just one thing in exchange for another. I am offering you a deal," He replied smoothly, a small smile on his lips.

Davina stared at Elijah for a moment before they both heard someone coming up the stairs. Elijah disappeared into the shadows of the room, hidden around a corner, whilst Davina sat on the edge of her bed.

"Alright, little one, it's our window to go," Marcel burst through the door a second later, a huge smile on his face.

"Okay," Davina grinned back at him, taking his hand and leaving the attic with him. They hurried down a set of stairs and into the church below. Davina stopped in a panic, her entire body shaking.

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