The Real Antibug: Part 1 (827 words)

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"Adrien and... Marinette." Ms. Bustier calls out without looking up from her list of assigned teams. An audible scoff is heard coming from Chloe, not trying to hide her disgust with the situation, herself being teamed up with Max for the project.

After all the teams were read off, Ms. Bustier instructs everyone to spend the rest of the class planning accordingly with their partner. Adrien turns in his seat to face Marinette, seemingly happy with the pairing. "Looks like it's you and me. When do you want to start working on this project?" He asks, unaware of Marinette's internal monologue.

'Staycoolstaycool, you can do this. This is a perfect opportunity for you and Adrien to get to know each other. You can make through this without totally embarrassing yourself.'

"Uh, Marinette?" He calls her back to reality, "When do you want to work on this?" He asks, obviously repeating himself but being patient with her.

She panics a little, "Oh, uh, work on it, when, uh, how about after school-in the library?" She sputters almost incoherently. 'So much for not wanting to embarrass myself.'

He smiles though as if she had said nothing wrong, "Sounds great!" The bell chimes, "I'll see you then." he leaves for his next class.

Marinette sighs, 'How am I going to get through an entire project with him? I've got to get a grip.' She begins packing her things when a perfectly manicured hand slams down on her desk in front of her. "Ah, Marinette, leaving so soon?" Chloe jibes, Sabrina standing right behind her sneering as the last people in the room leave, only the 3 of them remaining.

"Yeah, I was Chloe, time for lunch, ya know?" She says, face stolid. She knew to expect this from Chloe by now, she just learned to push through it. She attempts to get up from her seat but is quickly blocked from each side.

"I really think that you should go find Ms. Bustier and ask about switching partners, I'm sure me and Max would be willing to help you out." She sneers, eyes sending daggers towards Marinette.

"I don't have time for this, Chloe. Plus that wouldn't be fair to either Adrien or Max, just so you can have your way." She pushes her way past Chloe and heads for the door.

She tries to keep her head high. "Oh Marinette, just one more thing," Chloe tempts from behind her. She stops, instantly regretting it, before turning around to face a wave of cold coffee being splashed all over her. She stumbles backwards from the shock and falls on her butt with a thud.

She looks up to both Chloe and Sabrina with empty paper cups. "Yes, teacher, she was running in the halls again," she feigns, "probably late to class, again, when she bumped right into me!" Her voice filled with drama over the fake experience. She drops the act, looking down at Marinette, "I'd rethink my request if I were you." She challenges before walking over the puddle of old coffee that Marinette is lying in.

Alone in the room, Marinette picks herself up off the ground. She assesses her soaked and stained clothes, "Great..." she whispers, defeated.

"Marinette?" Tikki pokes her head out of her purse, "Are you okay?" She asks cautiously, knowing the probable answer.

Her eyes are distant, "I-I just need to go the restroom... to clean myself up." She pulls her dripping bookbag off the ground.

Tikki suddenly zips towards her, "Wait, I have an idea! If you transform into Ladybug, your clothes might be fixed for when you transform back!" She suggests, flitting around her.

Marinette considers this, "That might actually work, Tikki." A little smile returning to her face. "I better still go to the restroom so no one sees us." She places Tikki back in her purse and makes a quick dash to the restroom so no one sees the mess she's in. She runs in the restroom door, and after a quick check of all the stalls, she locks the door. "Tikki, transform me." And in a flash of light, Marinette is replaced with Ladybug.

She leans over the sink and looks at herself in the mirror, playing back the scene with Chloe. Her thoughts start boiling, "Ugh, Chloe, who gives her the right?" She begins talking to herself, "Just because she thinks she's soo popular and because her dad is mayor and rich, she thinks she can get whatever she wants?! Ughhh." Her usual mild temper burning up as she paces the empty restroom. "Does she think I'm going to steal Adrien from her? She doesn't own him, first of all, and second, does she really think I'm competition for her? Doesn't she see how I act so stupid around him? I'm only kidding myself if I think I really have a chance with him!" She spirals down, eyes fogging up from her own words. It's for this reason she doesn't notice the purple butterfly landing on her yoyo...

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