Chapter Forty Two - When Life Gives You Lemons

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Aiden finished school today, it was his last day of high school...ever.

The Graduation ceremony was this evening and after there was a gathering of family and friends back at the Harper's household tonight. I was kinda dreading that...

I have met all off Aiden's family before, I mean ALL of them. But I met them as Luke's best friend, not the girlfriend of Aiden...

I mentally cringed, what if they didn't like that? What if they decided not to like me any more because I was with Aiden? Am I just being stupid?

God why are things so difficult?

I checked the mirror one last time to make sure I looked okay, I had to make a good impression I guess...

I sighed and decided that I would have to do, I wouldn't be happy with anything so I was just going to have to settle for this.

I was just wearing a random purple casual dress that I had, I wasn't sure about it but Luke liked it so I just went with it. I paired it with a pair of purple pumps, and a chunky necklace. My make up was light, and to be different, I straitened my usually loose curls to perfection. It made me look really grown up surprisingly, it made me look like my Mom.

Aiden had to be at the school earlier so I hadn't seen him since this afternoon. Luke was giving me a ride there, and we would meet his parents when we got there.

I bit my recently glossed lip, willing myself to calm down for now. I could worry about meeting the family later, for now though, I just wanted to go and enjoy watching my boyfriend graduate. Top of the class I might add.

He was raging about that.

I smiled to myself, mentally picturing how embarrassed he's going to be when they knock his bad ass image down ANOTHER few pegs. Aiden was a closet nerd, he wouldn't even admit it to himself though.

I hope June and Peter show him how proud they are of him, I know he thinks they like Luke better. To be honest Aiden's hard work does go unnoticed by his parents sometimes, and even if he wont admit it I can see that that hurts him, that he wishes his parents would be more supporting of his studies.

Luke is the star child, but Aiden is their child too.

I shook away the negative thoughts. If they weren't proud enough of him for his satisfaction, I would be proud enough for all of them. I was proud, and I couldn't wait to see him later.

Luke came waltzing into my bedroom, not bothering to knock the door. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my clutch bag, shoving in my phone and dragging him back out again.

I laughed at him once we were in the car. He was continually pulling at the collar of his shirt, loosening his tie over and over. Luke was not one for formal wear.

It didn't take us long to get to school, but it did take us long to find a parking space. The place was packed with cars upon cars of all sorts, there must have been a lot of people here already.

I grinned out the window when we drove past Aiden's car and around the corner again until Luke finally found a space.

I practically jumped out of the car, ignoring Luke's chuckles at my enthusiasm and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him along and into the school, towards the assembly hall where they were holding the ceremony.

Thankfully, this school was not one were you had to wear those weird gown things and hats, so all the graduates were just dressed formally.

Luke spotted his parents sitting towards the front, so we squeezed our way through the crowds and slid into the two vacant seats they had saved for us.

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