Chapter Six - Friends

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Suddenly I was pulled out of that phase when your half asleep and half awake, still in a world of your own, lost in your dreams.

I jumped out of bed.

Oh no! I slept in too long!

Luke was at the door to pick me up.

Was it was one o'clock already?

''Shit!'' I whispered a little too loudly as I heard Luke head up the stairs.

I threw on a pair of skinnies and a purple t-shirt, and almost fell over trying to put on my shoes.

My door opened a crack.

''Ya decent?'' Luke chuckled as he walked into my room anyway, not bothering to wait for an answer, not that I minded.

''Yeah, sorry I'm running a little late...'' I bit my lip as he gasped realising I still had my hair and make-up to do. ''sorry...''

He laughed at me,''What time did you wake up at?''

''Um... when the doorbell rang...?'' it came out as more of a question and he just laughed at me, sinking into my one man sofa to wait for me.

To save having to straighten my hair, I just tied it back into two pony tails, and ran a comb through my scruffy full fringe.

I didn't bother doing my make-up either, I was only meeting a few of my friends. I just put on some mascara and a little lip gloss.

I grabbed my hoodie from behind my door.

''Ready!'' I smiled quite triumphantly, surprisingly proud of myself and how I'd gotten ready in just fifteen minutes, and looked quite good too!

''Okay.'' Luke smiled and we headed out the door. On my way I stopped to bat my eyelashes at my Dad, he took the hint and handed me a twenty.

I kissed him on the cheek, shoving the note into my back pocket and skipping down the path with Luke.

We met up at the mall with Abbey, Sam, Michael and Chuck.

Luke and I were the last to arrive – of course, and they had already gone to the food court.







We all greeted each other at once, and we burst into laughter loudly, gaining ourselves a few questionable looks from the people around us.

After some lunch (or breakfast in my case) we all wondered around the mall aimlessly, chatting away easily about school and homework, and the two parties coming up.

I think if anyone then these guys had to be my best friends. Luke of course was my best friend, I mean he was my twin! But if I did have to pick a group of people to say were my best friends, or what click I was in, or had a choice of lunch tables, it was always going to be these guys.

Sam and Abbey were 'that couple'.

They had been going out for almost three years now, and they are still as loved up as ever.

They were going to be that couple, the high school sweethearts who ended up married with a big family.

You just knew it.

Their hair was even the same colour, and they were the perfect heights for each other. It was impossible to even think of a couple more better suited for each other than those two!

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