Chapter Seventeen - Just One Drink

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Hannah's P.O.V

''So what do you think Hannah?''

My head snapped to Abbey who was randomly blabbing on and on about god knows what. I really wasn't listening, I was far too busy drooling. Over what? Aiden...Yummy...

''About what?'' I asked a little distracted as my head unwillingly turned back to the football pitch where the guys were running around kicking a ball with each other. It was really hot and sunny today so Abbey, Sophie and I were happily sitting chatting (well at least they were chatting) about this and that while soaking in the sun. Abbey would occasionally stop to drool over Sam and every so often a roaring red blush crept its way onto Sophie's face if Luke happened to look this way.

''The mall? After school?'' she said sounding irritated.

''Oh right, yeah sure. Who all's going?'' I asked now giving her my full attention as I tried not to look back at Aiden again. GOD that boy was distracting!

Abbey gave an exaggerated sigh and playfully rolled her eyes at me. ''Look Hannah I know you've got the hots for Aiden at the minute but you need to learn to control yourself. Especially in school! Hun I can practically SMELL your hormones!''

''What!?'' I asked totally shocked. She still doesn't know about us yet. And if I can help it I intend to keep It that way. She asks too many questions!

She laughed at my horrified expression and continued what she was saying. ''ANYWAY!...You, me, Sophie, Luke, Sam, Michael and Rachael and Chuck too.''

yeah even though he's not that into her Michael still for some reason is stringing Rachael along. I think it's a but cruel if you ask me but I'm sure he has his reasons.

''But you guys are all in couples!'' I exclaimed.

''Well, Chuck will be there and he's single!''

''But he'll just hook up with some random girl like he always does!'' I wined. Okay so I know I'm being a baby but I really don't want to be like, eight, nine – NINTH wheel!

''Oh come on Hannah! Just come it'll be fun! So we'll go for a movie and a pizza and then back to Chuck's later for a drink Kay?''

''Back to Chuck's later for drinks? Abbey are you kidding me its Thursday! It's a school night!'' there was no way I was going back to Chuck's for a drink after. With these guys going 'a drink' turns into a major hangover and I am NOT willing to be hung over in school tomorrow! No matter how much fun it's meant to be!

''So what? It's just one drink!'' Abbey exclaimed like I was mad.

Sophie was just sitting there going along with what Abbey was saying. She's still herself, therefore still shy and quiet, certainly not brave enough to refuse someone as pushy as Abbey. Besides I think she just appreciates the company and lets face it, she's getting pretty popular dating one of the 'cutest guys in our year'. Eeuh, no way. I do NOT want to think of Luke that way...that's just wrong. But yeah a lot of the girls like him in our year and he is way popular along with all of us who have all taken a shine to her lately. So I think she's just starting to come out of her comfort zone at the minute. It's good though, she's coming out with us everywhere and no matter how iffy the things we're doing are she'll join in. I honestly think it's just to impress Luke but from what I've heard – there's not much more impressing she could do. The boy is like head over heals for her and she doesn't even realise it.

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