Chapter Thirty One - When Tear Drops Fall Like Rain

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Aiden's P.O.V

I stared numbly at my bedroom door, where the girl I loved had just run from crying. I hated seeing her crying, it made me feel a little helpless 'cause I never knew what to do to make it better. But just now, it was me who did that to her, it was me who made her so upset she cried.

She looked so hurt, so sad, so angry. I winced, I made her look like

I looked from the door to a glaring Luke, scowling at him. Why did he have to tell her? He didn't know that I loved her. He didn't know how much of my heart he just ripped out, how much of it she brought with her when she left, probably never coming back again.

My breathing was shallow, and I was doing everything I could not to cry. Dude's don't cry. Not over girls. No, I have to be strong.

''Why?'' I whispered.

''Because she's my best friend Aiden! I told you I didn't like that because you would hurt her and what did you do?! You went behind my back and did it anyway! And you DID hurt her! She'll never come back here now! Thanks to you I just lost my best friend! You probably don't even care about that though! Hell, you probably don't even care about her!'' he screamed. He did not just question how I feel about Hannah.

Before I could stop myself I hand him slammed against a wall, my grip on his neck tightening. ''Don't ever say that.'' I growled.

''Why not?'' he challenged, even though he was chocking and grasping at my hands to get me to let him go.

''Because I love her.'' I told him. Finally telling the truth helped, admitting how I felt about her to myself once and for all, and telling the one person we were keeping this from. A weight had been lifted from my chest.

His eyes widened as he stared at me, trying to see any ounce of a lie, but it was all truth, there wasn't the slightest bit of dishonesty in what I just said to him, for once in a long time.

I let go of his neck, deciding that he was just wasting my time and I had to get Hannah before she hated me any more. I had to tell her I loved her, maybe then she'd listen. But what if she didn't love me back?

I couldn't afford to question it, I had to go, NOW.

''You do?'' Luke asked, sounding genuinely shocked.

I glared at him. Does he really think I would make that up? Is he really that stupid?

His eyes widened and he quickly changed the subject. Idiot was scared of me, he should be.

''How long have you been together?'' he asked curiously.

''We aren't together, but since Abbey's birthday.'' I told him, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, trying to calm myself before I punched him for this. It wasn't his fault, he just did what I should have done a long time ago. And I didn't blame him. I'm sure he was hurt.

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