Chapter Twenty Seven - Jealousy At The Pool

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Aiden's P.O.V

And just like that, It was January.

Christian's pool party was today – which I was looking forward to. Hannah would be there since she was friends with Christian's brother Michael, and I couldn't wait to see her in a bikini...

Okay Aiden, try not to give yourself a boner in front of your parents.

Yeah, I was currently in the kitchen, listening to another lecture from my mom and dad 'cause I got in a fiight last night. So what? That ass hole was asking for it...and I may have been a little drunk and over reacted...

Who cares I got him good.

I smiled evilly to myself as I remembered his whimpers and begging me to stop. Yeah okay I'm a bit of a thug but whatever.

''Well Aiden?'' my mother asked. Oh shit what was she saying?! I wasn't freaking listening!


''Um? That's all you have to say for yourself? Um?'' my Dad asked, sounding even more pissed.

Shit how do I get out of this one?

''Hey Aiden you ready?'' Luke asked, walking into the kitchen, looking pretty similar to me. I had my swim trunks on, a jacket hoodie, and flip flops. So did Luke although his trunks were red were as mine where blue. Blue's my favourite colour – red is his.

Thank god for Luke's distraction or else I was dead meat. Last time this happened my Mom took my car keys. Not that I cared 'cause I just rode my bike which I much prefer anyway. The snow is slowly disappearing and there is barely any left, so soon I will be able to ride it again instead of my car.

''Luke dear, try to make sure your brother doesn't get into any more trouble okay?'' my other asked her star child. They've always liked Luke better than me. Don't get me wrong, my parents are great, and they're barely here anyway, but they've just always liked Luke better – he gets in less trouble, and has girlfriends, not hookups. They're more proud of him too, even though I'm top of my class, and captain of the soccer team, and have a better social life, maintaining popularity. Whatever though it's not like I need their approval, I'll be outta here as soon as I finish school in a couple months. It's my last year so we get out early, we only have a half year.

''Yeah Mom whatever.'' Luke mumbled as he grabbed his car keys and walked back out, me hot on his heals.

Luke and I were going together, while Hannah, Sophie and their friend Abbey would go together and meet us there. Something about girl time? Hell I don't know, nor do I care. I do NOT want to even ATTEMPT to understand what the hell goes on in girls heads. We'll meet them there and that's that.

It was a pretty quick drive to Christian's, no conversations taking place as we pulled into his driveway. It was late afternoon, and thankfully the days aren't as cold any more, but they are still chilly. Thankfully though, this was an indoor pool party, and Christian's pool room is like a sauna, so the shorts are fine.

Half an hour later and I'm sitting in a deck chair by the pool, shirtless with a cold beer in my hands, laughing with the guys and watching contently as random half naked girls mess around in the pool or dance around us. Hell, this is the life.

The guys and I were chatting, getting a bit tipsy, although I knew better than to get too drunk tonight so I ended up switching to coke after a few beers.

The music was blasting loudly, wringing through my ears and I could feel it's vibrations in the chair I was sitting on. Michael, his er, boyfriend Chuck, their friend Sam and Luke were talking away on the chairs at the other side of the pool, while me, Christian and Adam, along with half the football team chatted randomly about girls and shit. I wasn't really talking, just listening in, it didn't feel right talking about other girls for some reason when I sort of had Hannah. Speaking of where is she?

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