Chapter Twenty Two - The Fear

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Aiden's P.O.V


This morning was...amazing... as in like.... best I ever had AMAZING!

Hannah stirred slightly in my arms and I looked down to smile at her sleeping figure. How in the hell was this girl a virgin? Well...she was until today...shit. She gave me her virginity, does that mean she trusts me?

She mumbled something incoherent in her sleep sending shivers down my spine. She was still naked, so was I.

Her beautiful eyes fluttered open and she stared up at me, looking confused. Her gaze shifted to my naked chest, then to hers, and her eyes widened in shock. So she thought she was dreaming again? Hm, I may just have to prove she's awake...

Without warning I gently pressed my lips to hers and she closed her eyes immediately relaxing back into my arms. I smirked into the kiss as I felt myself getting excited again. I wonder if she would be up for it? Shit I'm a horny bastard!

She pulled away after just a few seconds, much to my dismay, and looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. I followed her gaze, curious how long we had been asleep for.


Crap, it was later than I thought. I did not want to get out of that bed, but her dad was bound to be home soon.

I heard her stomach growl in hunger and turned to smirk at her pink tinted face. Did this girl realise how cute she was? Or what control she had over me? Both emotionally and sexually.

She giggled sheepishly and tucked her head into the crook of my neck breathing deeply.

The words left my mouth before I could stop them and I felt a little embarrassed after. ''You were amazing.''

She beamed at me, instantly relieving my embarrassment. There was a question on my mind though, one I wasn't sure I could ask without her getting offended but I felt the need to ask, if she was giving me her virginity she could at least answer my question.

''So.'' I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling a little awkward. ''How come you never uh...''

''I don't know.'' she answered simply. Well that didn't really answer my question!

''Yeah but like, I didn't think you would have been a...well, you know. I mean you're totally experienced in all the other departments so I just presumed-''

''I'm what?!'' she asked sounding shocked.

''What do you mean?'' okay now I'm confused.

''Did you just say that I was totally experienced in all the other departments?!''

''Yeah...well I mean you are aren't you?'' she had to be. You don't get that good without practise. And a lot of it.

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