Chapter Thirty Six - The Secret's Out

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I pecked Aiden on the lips discreetly as he headed out the front door of his house. I was 'hanging out with Luke' today as far as my dad was concerned, and Aiden's parents were home so I did actually have to hang out with Luke. It was really fun though, we played Mariocart and laughed and chatted like we normally would. He wasn't seeing Sophie today so it all worked out fine.

I was still really happy and buzzed about last week. It was a whole week ago that Aiden took me to that cliff and gave me the best present anyone's ever given me. I never take my bracelet off unless I'm in the shower. I've never even owned anything that expensive. I love that boy with all my heart...he just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter.

Even though it was a week ago, I'm still really shocked about aunt Greta. I mean, she was so nice and funny, and strangely supportive of us. I actually kinda miss her. I hope she visits often.

Aiden was going with some of his friends to do...something. I wasn't really listening when he told me 'cause I was in a pretty heated race with Luke. He knew I wasn't listening though, he just laughed at me and went about his businesses and pretended we had nothing to do with each other. God I still hate that. I wanna be able to just be with him. And have NO ONE to judge us or keep us apart. I wanted to be like a normal couple who don't have to hide.

I sighed dreamily as I turned back and walked back into their sitting room. June and Peter were working in the study so they weren't an issue, but we still had to be really careful just in case.

It was nearing four in the afternoon and I had to go home to make sure the house was tidy for when Dad got home from work. I thought it was fine when he told me to tidy up this morning, but maybe I wasn't really looking. Okay, so I really wasn't looking at all...but still it can't be that bad!

I said my goodbyes to Luke, even though he protested. ''You only wanna be here when you can drool on my brother.'' he had said, jokingly of course.

I just laughed him off and skipped home, noticing Aiden had taken his bike and not his car. I smiled, he really liked his bike. Maybe he'll let me go on it sometime. I've never been on a motor bike before, and who wouldn't wanna press themselves up against Aiden and cling on for deer life? Besides, boys on motorbikes = SEXY.

I grumbled when I walked into the house and realised what Dad had been talking about. Kieran's junk was all over the floor and there were news papers and magazines and stuff in all places.


I turned on my Ipod and stuck in my ear buds happily singing along to Greenday. I worked for about an hour, noticing that it wasn't getting dark yet and that the sun was still out. I was glad, it was no longer winter. All traces of Christmas had vanished and it was starting to turn into summer again. Not that it would be summer any time soon, it wasn't even March yet, still in the middle of February.

I smiled and breathed out a deep breath, putting my hands on my hips and admiring my nice clean house. Dad would be pleased with it, so I kept in my headphones and skipped up the stairs to my room, just wanting to lie down and chill out for a while.

I changed into a tank top and shorts, my pyjamas. It may have only been about five, but it's not like I would be going anywhere and I was tired. I just wanted to get into bed and read for a while before Dad came home. Kieran wouldn't be home till later this evening though 'cause he was at a friends house again.

As soon as I was comfortable in my bed, sighing with relief as my aching back muscles relaxed, the freaking door bell rang. God I hate that door bell. It ruins so much.

I quickly jogged to the top of the stairs, stopping quickly when a shooting pain appeared in my lower abdomen. Strange...

I shook it off and went down a couple of steps further, wincing and doubling over as the pain increased. Taking a hissing breath through my teeth.

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