Chapter Forty One - Letters In The Mail

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The next morning I was happily sitting in the kitchen of the Harper's household, helping June make the breakfast and chatting with Luke who was sitting at the counter.

Aiden was still asleep, but it was getting pretty late so I decided it would be okay to get up.

I had had a nice warm shower, soothing out my muscles, before tying up my wet hair in a high pony tail and sticking on my sweats. I ran out of t-shirts though so I had to wear Aiden's (not that I'm complaining). I would have to remember to restock my t-shirt supply for the next time I stayed over here.

I tied a knot in the side of Aiden's T-shirt using a spare hair bobble so that it wasn't quite so big. I never seem to notice how big Aiden is compared to me until I wear his clothes. I guess it's understandable though, I am very small for my age.

I was munching on a slice of toast, laughing away with June and Luke while I flipped the bacon on the pan.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me and Aiden pushed his face into the crook of my neck. I grinned and relaxed into his embrace. I loved it when he held me from behind.

''Aiden you're out of bed?'' June said, surprised.

Aiden mumbled a reply to his Mom, his face still in my neck making me giggle as I ate the last bite of my toast and turned out the heat on the pan.

''But you haven't left your room in ages.'' she said, sounding confused.

Aiden took his head out of my neck to raise a questioning eyebrow at June. She smiled slightly and glanced at me, before speaking again.

''Well I'm glad, you look a lot better.'' she told him.

I looked up at him and sure enough, he did look a lot better. He was still in his pyjamas, but at least he was up. He didn't look as tired, or as pale. I was glad, at least I could help with something. I knew he wasn't a hundred percent yet, but at least he was getting there.

''I feel a lot better.'' he said grinning directly at me. Oh no.

June smirked, while Luke gasped.

''EEWW!'' He exclaimed, ''Dude I'm tranna eat!''

My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heat up. I knew I was blushing right down to my neck and I glared at Aiden. Why? Why did he have to tell them that?

Why Aiden? WHY?!

He smirked at me, while I glowered and stormed out of the kitchen, peeling his arms off of me as I did so.

I could hear Luke fake gagging as I stormed into the sitting room and threw myself on the single sofa, glaring at the news that Peter was watching on the TV. He gave me a quizzical look, but returned his attention back to the TV soon enough.

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