Chapter Thirteen - Do I? Don't I?

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Monday morning came around all too soon and the good mood from the weekend vanished the second my alarm went off at seven thirty.

After a boring class or two it was finally lunch time. I grabbed Sophie and made her sit with me and Abbey to make sure she told us all about how Luke asked her out. Apparently he was really shy about it and blushed a lot. And she said yes and he looked like he couldn't believe her and spent the night taking and dancing with her and neither of them could stop smiling. She gushed about how he told her he's liked her for a while but he was to scared to ask her out. And after she finally settled down Abbey told us about how her and Sam had a great night and blah blah blah. All I could think of was Aiden and that gift. And how nice it felt when he held me. And how much I wished he saw me as anything more. And how much I REALLY shouldn't because he never will. They noticed something was wrong and asked me about it, And found it a good a time as ever to seek their advice.

I told them everything. How I used to like him but got over it. But lately I keep noticing how good he looks or how sweet he is. And how he's been really nice to me lately and about his gift, and how nice it felt when he held me in his sleep.

''Oh god Hannah, I don't know what to tell you.'' Abbey said, placing a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

I sighed,''Forget it.'' I told them just as the bell for class rang.

I spent the week avoiding Aiden as best as I could. I was being stupid and childish. I know. But I had to figure things out. By Friday morning I had come to the conclusion that I did not like Aiden in that way any more. Just because I found him attractive does not mean that I like him. I was wasting my time even thinking about it because it would never have happened anyway, but it was bothering me so I had to get my priorities right. Luke didn't like it when I used to have a crush on his brother. And he said I should never get involved with him even if he did like me back because 1, he was 'too old for me', 2, he would only hurt me like every other girl, and 3, if I ended up hating him I wouldn't want to hang out at their house any more and then Luke and I's friendship would suffer. So I don't want to go against what Luke wanted, he's my best friend and I will put him first. But that is IRRELAVENT because nothing has happened and nothing ever will! My crush is simply physical.

On Friday it was Abbey's birthday. She was giddy and excited and her sister got her a 'Birthday Girl' badge that she wore all day, even when teachers insisted that she took it off. Everyone was buzzing with excitement for her party tonight. Hers was just a normal high school party, nothing fancy, alcohol and music, the fun makes itself. Practically the entire school was going so it's a good thing her house was huge.

Luke dropped me home and I immediately started getting ready. It was already four and I had to be there for six. the party didn't start till seven thirty but Abbey wanted a bit of help with the finishing touches.

I stepped in the shower and washed my hair, staying under the hot water an extra few minutes, the evenings are getting colder and it felt nice. I went back into my room in my towel and once I was dried I slipped into my dress. I spun around in circles making the skirt spread out and twirl around me. I giggled when I felt dizzy and sat back down in front of my mirror. I quickly blow dried my hair and straightened it until it was perfect, I wore light make up and cotton candy lip gloss, and put on the bracelet I got for my birthday.

With one last glance in the mirror I grabbed my purse and skipped into Kieran's room. I kissed him on the head and said goodbye before letting Dad know I was ready. I had to get Dad to bring me tonight because Luke would be picking Sophie up. He offered to bring me too but I thought I'd give them the privacy.

The car pulled up to Abbey's house and I laughed when I saw the banners and balloons hanging from her front door. I kissed Dad goodbye and told him not to wait up. I didn't know what time I'd be getting back at.

Before I could even knock the door swung open and Abbey grabbed me pulling me inside.

''Hannah Oh My God I need help!'' she yelled at me once the door was shut. She was standing in sweatpants and a plain pink t-shirt. Her hair and make-up was done to perfection but she clearly wasn't ready.

''Hello Abbey it's nice to see you too.'' I smirked sarcastically.

''No seriously! I need to finish getting ready can you help my sister and Sam finish up in here?'' she pointed to the living room were Sam and Abbey's sister Becca were sorting out music and moving furniture.

''Sure no probs.'' I gave her a hug as she bolted back up the stairs.

Seven thirty eventually came around and Abbey had finally finished getting ready. The music was thumping loudly through the walls and there were drunken teenagers everywhere. Abbey was making out with Sam and Michael was taking with some other guys off the football team. Luke and Sophie were giggling with each other and I, once again was left by myself.

I turned around a few times, looking around the room in search of someone to talk to. I wasn't drinking tonight, not after last week, so I couldn't even go play a drinking game or something with Paul, who was by the way sucking face with god knows who.

I grabbed a coke and went to sit in the kitchen. Some girls from one of my classes were there so I joined them for a chat. I didn't really know them but right now I was just appreciating the company.

''Wanna dance?'' a strange voice asked. I turned around to see who it was and it was a senior from school. He was quite nice looking, big built like a typical jock. He had shaggy blonde hair and was wearing jeans and an Abercrombie top. I think he was in the same year as Aiden.

''Sure'' I smiled getting up.

He lead me to the 'dance floor' and grabbed my hips. We started dancing with each other and every so often would knock against each other. I wasn't really enjoying that bit but dancing was taking my mind off being alone again.

He tightened his grip on me suddenly pulling me closer to him and grinding against me. That's it I thought, too far. I tried to pull away but his grip only tightened again.

''Remember your little show last week?'' he whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him a little worried. ''Uh hu?''

''How 'bout we take this upstairs and you can finish it for me?''

I gaped at him, unsure how to react.

He started kissing my neck and his hands drifted downwards. I panicked.

''Stop it!'' I shouted pushing him away. He didn't stop.

''Get off!'' I yelled trying to push him even harder. He still didn't stop. And no one could hear me over the music.

He ignored my protests as his hands found their destination. I wriggled and squirmed and tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. I could smell the beer on his breath and he whispered to me.

''Shut up and come with me.''

''NO!'' I yelled at him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the door.

''NO!'' I yelled again, he jerked my arm and pulled me again. I felt tears build in my eyes as I was dragged towards the door tripping over my feet. Suddenly he was gone.

I looked up just in time to see Aiden punch him in the face so hard his nose made a loud cracking noise and blood ran down his face and onto his shirt. He held his hand up to his nose and glared at Aiden.

''What the fuck dude?!'' he yelled at Aiden.

Aiden slammed him against a wall and put his arm across the guys neck. He said something to him but I couldn't hear over the music, and the second Aiden loosened his grip the guy ran out the door.

Aiden turned to look at me, the anger in his face turning to concern. ''You okay?'' he asked me.


He reached out and took my hand, and gently took me to the next room. Luke and Sophie were still in there and he brought me over to them, before double checking I was definitely okay and leaving again.

I chatted with Luke and Sophie for a while longer, at least they weren't drinking either. It was about nine o'clock when Abbey came in to the room with an empty green bottle and turned down the music.

''Okay every one!'' she shouted. ''We're gonna play spin bottle!''

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