Chapter Three - Party Planning

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''Do you want anything to drink?'' Luke yelled from his kitchen

''No thanks! I'll just meet you upstairs!'' I replied as I headed up the long staircase of Luke's house. My voice echoing a bit.

Luke's house was massive, and all the years I have known him (all my life) it was still unreal to me just how big it was.

I suppose it's understandable, I mean his mum was a lawyer – a successful one at that – and his dad was a doctor, so they had a pretty good income.

There's a room downstairs complete with a fifty-inch TV and surround sound, not to mention the pool table. And the pool and hot tub outside.

The walls are mostly a creamy colour, until you get into the kitchen, it's all shades of light blue and white, and then there are the boys' rooms. I've never been in Aiden's room, so I don't really know what It looks like. But Luke's room was my favourite in the house, it was the only one I really felt comfortable in.

As I pushed open his bedroom door I threw myself on to his bed. I always loved how it bounced so much when I did that.

After it had stopped wobbling beneath me I sat back up again, looking around me. His walls were a light blue colour, with darker blue curtains. The walls were lined with posters of bands and singers he liked, and the occasional girl (cringe). The carpet on the floor was stripy with all different shades of blue on it, and there was a dark blue bean bag chair in front of his desk were his laptop sat.

To the left of the room was a door leading to his own bathroom.

Like any teenage boys room, there were clothes sprawled all over the floor, empty coke cans on almost every surface, and a half eaten sandwich sat on his desk next to his laptop. (his mum obviously hasn't gotten around to cleaning it yet this week.)

Eventually Luke appeared from down stairs and sat down in front of his computer facing me on his bed, throwing me a bottle of coke zero. He knew I would have just drunk his eventually anyway, so he always brought me one just in case.

''Right, what are we going to do about our party then? Its in two weeks so we have to make up our minds really soon.''

''I cant think of anything, I mean I like the idea of just a house party rather than a major fuss, but it is our seventeenth!''

I looked at him puzzled for a second or two, I really couldn't think of anything to make our party the best one this year. Then it hit me.

''We could have a fancy dress party! Like we did for our eighth! Only it will be funnier this time!''

''Oh my God....'' Luke looked at me, his expression almost asking me if I was serious. The grin on my face dropped into an embarrassed look.

He doesn't like it. Great I look like an idiot now.

''!'' he stood up pulling me up with him throwing his coke zero bottle in the air with such an excited smile he almost looked like he was a five year old on Christmas morning.

''And we can coordinate our outfits! OH I CAN'T WAIT!'' I had to laugh at his reaction.

''For a minute there I thought you didn't like it!'' I tugged my school jumper off over my head, but felt my stomach exposed. I tried to wriggle my arms back through so I could pull down my shirt I'd worn underneath, but it didn't really work

''Of course I do! Okay, great, now, what are we going as?''

''A little help here?'' my voice muffled.

He snickered at me, and I heard him get up and walk towards me. At that moment the bedroom door was pushed open and I thought for a second he'd left me, all tangled up, but the next second I heard a throat cleared, and I knew it wasn't Luke's, it was Aiden's.

''Hannah, I know I tend to have this affect on the ladies, but could you at least try to keep your clothes on in my presence?'' a smirk tugging at the corner of his lip.

Luke finally pulled off my jumper and yanked down my shirt for me, not that I needed the help with that bit but I'm not complaining, at least I was covered again.


''You know Luke is the only one for me.'' was all I said, batting my eyelashes in attempt to look as innocent as possible.

Luke winked at me, then turned to his brother. ''What's up anyway?''

''Just check'n you were home.''

''Oh, well were not.''

''Whatever.'' and he left.

Aiden is just about the hottest guy to graze this earth. I'm not even exaggerating. He's got light brown hair that flops into his electric blue eyes, and he's tall and broad shouldered too. his nose is a little crooked from all the times its got broken in fights - He's always getting in fights, but he never seems to get in too much trouble for it, his grades are too good for the school to risk expelling him, and the soccer team don't want to risk loosing him either.

I couldn't help but watch him leave, I wasn't even doing it on purpose, he was just

''If you could just stop checking out my brother for two seconds-''

''Shut up!'' I snapped at him, reality crashing down on me.

''I thought you were over that?''

''Yeah! I am! ...but it doesn't make him any less hot though.'' I added with a smirk.

''Gross....just gross!'' we both giggled and conversation resumed, talking easily about our party and school, and anything else that we would normally discuss.

''I'm hungry.'' Luke stated, standing up suddenly.

''You're always hungry!''

''Am not!''

''Are too!''

Yes, we really are that immature.

''Lets go to the mall, I want a doughnut and a milk shake.''

''Fine, but only if you come with me to look at clothes, I need something to wear to Abbey's party.''

Abbey was having a Birthday party in three weeks, Luke and I had ours in two weeks, and Abbey's was the Friday after ours.

It was mine and Luke's birthday that Saturday and it was Abbeys the following Sunday, but we always liked to have our parties on the Friday, and have the weekend to chill out.

Since I didn't need to buy clothes to wear to our own party anyway, (we would probably get a proper costume off the internet or something) I thought I would take the opportunity while I was there to go dress shopping for Abbey's.



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