Chapter Two - School

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It's only about a five minute drive to school from my house, maybe 7 for Luke, but its still not exactly the weather to be driving down a street of lifeless trees and bushes, a mass of dried out sticks and twigs and a few too many icy patches, with a pair of shades on and the hood of your car down. But hey, that's just how we do it.

''So,'' he said enthusiastically to me, his eyes concentrated on the roads, his head bobbing slightly in time with the music,''what are we going to do for our birthday party then, Hannah?''

Our birthday was always extremely popular, we had a lot of friends from every possible click, no best friends, just a lot of good friends. It didn't really mater to us if you where a nerd, a jock, an emo, a girl, a boy, or how old you were,we just had a lot of friends, from all year groups. Which meant BIG parties, and BIG guest lists. I suppose you could say we were popular, but things like that never really occurred to us.

''I dunno really.'' I replied after about 10 seconds thinking, ''Did you have anything in mind?''

''Well, my parents said we could rent out a club if we wanted. I mean it is our seventeenth! But that might be a bit expensive, so I was thinking just a house party or something, although we will need to think of a way to make it more exciting...''

''Yeah...'' I said thoughtfully, running my fingers through my wind swept hair,''We'll have a think about it tonight.''

Just then Luke pulled into the school gates, and parked in our usual spot, then we both made our way over to perch ourselves on the front.

''Hey guys'' came a voice I recognised all too well. '' your a bit earlier than usual!'' it was Abbey, don't get me wrong, she's the nicest person you'll ever meet, but she's a bit...full times. A little bit too much for first thing on a Monday morning!

''Hey Abbey'' we chorused back, now leaning so far back on the car I was almost lying on it, trying my best to look like I was 'sun bathing' rather than avoiding her seeing my 'I really couldn't be arsed' look.

''OH MY GOD, Hannah! I need to speak to AWAY!'' Abbey yelled in my direction, a smile stretching from ear to ear, her long strawberry blondish hair blowing wildly in the wind, as I sat up from lying on the car, to give her an extremely confused look.

Forcefully she shoved her right arm through the gap in my left, linking us together like we were about to dance around in circles singing,'Here we go round the mulberry bush!' and hastily pulling me forward, away from Luke. I shot him a pleading look, as if begging him to save me, but he just chuckled under his breath returning a grin as if to say, 'You're on your own with this one, Hannah!'

After about ten painful minutes of trying to escape a 'Hairtastraphy' story about how Abbey's straighteners had broken this morning, and how she wanted to check with me that she looked all right, I wondered back over to Luke, now surrounded by another group of our friends, a few of the boys off the soccer team. Squeezing through them, attempting to make my way back to sit on the car, when I suddenly heard a roaring engine noise, and a million girls heads turn around at once. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was Aiden. Luke's big brother.

All the girls loved him. And I could totally...understand why...

With that leather jacket, even over his uniform, and those big black boots, that irresistible smirk and those amazingly bright blue eyes, his bad ass image, the hair that flopped on his face and stuck up in all directions, and...oh...that voice...

I used to have a major crush on him when I was about ten and he was twelve, but I got over that one pretty soon when I realised just how far out of my league he was. Even though he's incredibly, unbelievably hot, I act my normal self around him because I know there isn't a chance in hell that he'd ever look at me as anything other than his younger brother's (probably annoying) best friend.

I had known him all my life like, I mean he was always there when Luke and I where growing up. When we were a lot younger all three of us would have played together, but the older we got the more we drifted apart. Now the only time I would talk to him would be if I was round at their house with Luke, and we would occasionally exchange the odd joke or sarcastic comment.

Pulling up in his usual parking space under a massive oak tree, he swung his leg of his bike and jumped off, lifting his back pack out of the hollow space under the seat, throwing it over his back, shoving on a pair of extremely sexy shades, and strutting off.

Aiden had fixed that bike up himself from practically nothing, he was really in to that kind of thing, he even had a black convertible sports car he fixed up himself too!

He was the hottest guy at school. The most popular. The most...experienced....lets just say he was a player, and a big one at that.

It's a bit hard to pin point Aiden's friends, he's a bit of a drifter to be honest. Some times you would see him hanging around with some of the older guys on the football team, sometimes he would sit with some guys from his class, or sometimes he would even be sitting by himself, leaning against his bike or car (depending on what he drove that day) smoking, a smug look on his face knowing full well that there were herds of girls watching him - wide eyed and ready to pounce.

''Earth to Hannah! Come in Hannah!'' Luke poked me in the arm as he mocked me, ''Are you quite finished checking out my brothers ass?'' He bumped my shoulder playfully.

''Whatever!'' I snapped In reply, it was so true but I wasn't going to admit that to Luke!

The group of boys around us chuckled at my reaction.


It was time for school so we all headed in, I could tell it was going to be one of those days, one of those really, really long days.

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