Chapter Eleven - The Morning After

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Sunlight was trying to filter through the drapes, but it was a week early morning sunshine so the room was still quite dark. The glow from the drapes made the room have a dark blue – grey tinge to it. I closed my eyes tightly again, trying to snuggle my head into the soft squishy pillow under my head. I curled into a tighter ball and tried to ignore the thumping pain jolting through my head.

It was so warm and cosy, and everything smelt something between citrus and woodsy. Whatever it was I loved it and I'm almost sure I've smelt it before...on a person.

I gasped suddenly and jolted upright, my room does not smell like this. Nor is my bed this comfy or are my draped bluey grey! Where the hell was I?

I looked around the room and it seemed oddly familiar, but I knew I hadn't been in here before. I threw back the covers and saw I was in a boys t-shirt. It was plain grey and smelt just like the pillows on the bed.

I still have my underwear on though, so that's a good sign.

I strained my memory, trying to remember what happened last night, but I came up short. I must have had far too much to drink.

I vaguely remember dancing on a pool table. Oh god I really hope that wasn't me!

I climbed out of bed carefully, I had a disgusting taste in my mouth to match my roaring headache and I tip toed over to the door to see where I was.

I think I remember throwing up, and someone holding my hair back for me and rubbing my back. It must have been Luke. He's the only one who would have taken care of me or missed the party.

So where was I? I cant have left with anybody. Luke wouldn't have let me do that and I have a fair few other people who would have had the sense to stop me doing something so stupid.

I poked my head out of the door and peered out. I almost cried in relief when I realised I was in Luke's house. It must have been Aiden's room that I crashed in. Seeing as I have never been in his room in all these years that would explain why I don't recognise it in here...but why was I in his room? Why not Luke's or the guest room?

I went to climb back into bed. My head was pounding and when I looked at the clock it was only ten o'clock in the morning, so I figured I'd try and sleep off a bit more of my hang over. I snuggled back under the covers breathing in Aiden's smell.

Just as I was about to fall into unconsciousness again the door opened slowly, making the hinges creek slightly. My eyes flashed open and my eyes met Aiden's. He was standing in the door way, in nothing but a towel hung right down low around his hips. His chest and abs were streaked with droplets of water and his light brown hair was dripping water softly onto the carpet.

My eyebrows shot up. Standing there in the door way was the sexiest body I had ever seen. His muscles were perfectly toned into a six pack, and he had a glowing light tan, and to top it off he was dripping wet...Yum...

I couldn't help but wonder how one person could be so incredibly sexy. It was unreal. My heart began to race.

''Sorry,''he whispered quietly,''I didn't mean to wake you up.''

''Oh no it's okay I just woke up anyway.'' I smiled at him still lying on his bed.

''Okay. Hung over much?'' he asked, still quietly.

I grimaced in response, Aiden chuckled quietly.

''Yeah, a bit. What happened last night?''

Aiden chuckled under his breath and rolled his eyes. He walked over and sat on the end of the bed.

''You had too much to drink, Paul is responsible for that, and you were about to strip off on the pool table in front of half the guys at our school so I stopped you.''

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