Chapter Thirty Three - Birthday Boy

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 Warning: This chapter contains sexual 'R' rated content, please do not continue reading after 'Aiden's P.O.V' if you do not want to see this. This content ends before the second 'Hannah's P.O.V'.

Hannah's P.O.V

I woke up with a massive grin on my face this morning. It was Aiden's Birthday and I couldn't wait to see him. Our parents still don't know about us and since his have gotten home to celebrate his birthday, I had to stay in Luke's room last night.

I looked at my phone for the time, bouncing excitedly since it was still extremely early and Jan and Peter would be asleep since they didn't get home till late last night. Luke was still unconscious too.

I knew Aiden would be pissed if I woke him up but I had to see him alone before we had to go back to pretending we had nothing to do with each other. Plus, with what I had in store for him, he wouldn't mind.

That's probably the worst part of keeping our relationship a secret. Having to pretend like we aren't together when we were around anyone else but ourselves. Now Luke knows it's okay, not as bad as it used to be, but we still have to keep up the pretence around our families.

At least we get to hang out with our friends now, they were strangely accepting of us, which I never expected. I still can't get my head around why Luke was so okay with it. He says we make a good couple and he knows we love each other, but we lied to him, went against his wishes along with a lot of other bad stuff. Not that I'm complaining that is.

We have actually been getting slightly more serious lately. Before, we were merely physical, but now, we like, talk. And hang out more when we can get away with it. And I have to admit, I'm loving it. I'm loving him.

We even changed our relationship status' on Facebook! So many of our friends have been really supporting, commenting and saying things like, 'Congrats!', or, 'Finally!'. And of course then there's the male population who can only make whipped jokes about Aiden. He's embarrassed by that, I can tell he tries not to let it show in case he offends me, but I don't mind. I get it, he doesn't like people questioning his bad ass reputation. I honestly find it cute.

I slipped out from under the blankets I had wrapped myself in on Luke's bedroom sofa and tiptoed towards his slightly ajar door, holding my breath as I pulled it open and wincing as it creaked quietly. I sighed in relief when I was out, I hadn't woken him.

I ran quickly across the hall, my bare feet landing softy against the hard wooden floors and I slipped through Aiden's closed bedroom door in a very Ninja like motion, checking to make sure his parents wouldn't see me.

I smiled when I saw him, god I loved this boy. His hair was all over the place, sticking up in all directions and giving him a bed head, but he still somehow managed to pull it off and look sexy as hell. He was lying on his stomach, arms sprawled out on either side and his legs were tangled with the blankets, poking out at the bottom of the bed.

He was only in his boxers, and the blankets were down low, giving me a good view of his toned and muscular back. Did he realise just how sexy he was? He seemed to be one of those guys who got the girls, and was amazingly hot, but was oblivious to his good looks and charm. I mean I know he makes comments like 'Babe, you're drooling', but I think that's more to take the piss out of me than to be smug.

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