Chapter Sixteen - Secret Girlfriends and Morning Kisses

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Once I had stopped crying Aiden and I sat back down on his bed in silence, both of us considering what to do. I don't think Aiden actually understood what was bothering my fully so I was going to have to tell him. I turned to look at him and he was just staring into space. He looked so cute when he was thinking. I giggled and he turned to see why.

''What?'' he asked me.

''Nothing.'' I smirked. ''we need to talk Aiden.'' I told him sternly.

''Yeah I know. I don't understand what's wrong.'' he told me.

''Whatever happened with us today, Aiden, it cant, and WON'T, happen again. Luke has told me before that he didn't like the fact I liked you and I will NOT go behind his back. Not for anyone. He is my best friend and I wont loose him over you i'm sorry.'' I winced as hurt flashed across his face before hiding it with a smirk.

''You liked me before?''

Oh shit I didn't mean to tell him that! I felt my cheeks flush red and I looked away quickly.

''It's okay.'' he told me,'' I liked you to. Actually Luke told me to stay away from you too. He said he didn't trust me not to hurt you...'' he trailed off looking a little hurt again. ''Why does everyone think I will hurt you?''

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't bring myself to look at his face again. He looked so hurt it broke my heart and I could feel the tears starting to build in my eyes again.

I stared down at my hands in my lap and before I could stop myself I placed my right hand gently into his left. I could feel him staring at me but I still couldn't look up. I was now staring at our intertwined figures with my mind blank.

''I know you wont.'' I whispered.

His hand tightened in mine for a second before he sighed loudly and let go standing up.

He knelt down in front of me and held my face in his hands looking at me seriously in the eyes.

''What if we didn't tell him?'' he asked me hopefully.

''Didn't tell him what Aiden? We don't even know what were doing there mightn't even be anything to tell!'' I said honestly. I really didn't know what we were doing and I didn't like the idea of going behind Luke's back at all but the thought of being with Aiden tempted me...A LOT...

I could hear Luke coming up the stairs and I tensed, worrying that he would find me in here. But then I realised he would have no reason to suspect anything so we were safe. He would think I was at home or still at Abbey's. A pang of guilt shot through my chest but I pushed it away. I couldn't bare to think of hurting my best friend like this. I was so selfish. I don't deserve him.

Aiden smirked for a moment before kissing me hard on the lips making me completely forget my train of thoughts. He pulled away all to fast and I whimpered quietly at the loss of contact.

''Hannah?''Aiden asked quietly.

''Yeah?'' I whispered back even quieter.

''Will you be my secret girlfriend?''

I giggled. He was too adorable sometimes.

''Yes.'' he smiled against my lips and kissed me happily. I couldn't help the bubbly feeling inside of me. What was this boy doing to me!? Giving me uncontrollable butterflies in my tummy and making me feel like my head would explode from the passion he put into his kisses...oh god his kisses are good. Fair enough I have nothing to compare him to but my god is he good.

Aiden's P.O.V

I woke up happier than I had In a long time. The most amazing girl in the world was asleep in my arms and it was as if nothing else mattered. If I could have done this for the rest of my life I would have. If all I could see was her beautiful smile, all I could smell was her shampoo, all I could feel was her body pressed tightly against mine and all I could hear was her steady heart beat and regular breathes which she blew on my chest giving me goosebumps and making me shiver then I would have been the happiest guy alive.

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