Chapter Seven - Getting Dirty

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Seven thirty...time to get up.

I stepped in the shower, still half asleep, and scrubbed my hair until it felt clean. I stood in the shower an extra few minutes, letting the warm water soothe the kinks out of my tired back.

I dried my hair fiercely – those extra few minutes turned into half an hour, and tied it up in two piggy tails like I had on the weekend, but I put my fringe up in a quiff, I couldn't be bothered going to too much hassle with it.

I did my eye liner roughly - after my shower I was fully awake, but I just didn't have the energy to put any effort in, and quickly added some lip gloss.

I forced myself to put on my uniform, and bounded down the stairs for breakfast.

Two glasses of orange juice and a round of toast later, Luke pulled up outside, and I climbed into the car.

The weather had changed and the temperature dropped, and the cold air lingered, so he hadn't put the top down, for the first in a long time, Luke cared more about the weather than his image.


It must have been really cold.

We talked away happily in the car, planning bits and pieces for our party. We already had all the planning done, but we were just checking over a few details:

Who was bringing the music?

Who was bringing the drinks?

Who was bringing the food?

Are the costumes definitely going to be here on time?

How much did it all cost?

Our party had become the spot light of every conversation Luke and I had recently. Planning a party could be stressful enough, but when it's your seventeenth, and everyone in school had such high expectations for you, you just couldn't settle for anything.

We got to school just on time for the bell to ring, and went strait to class.

Luke and I had most of our classes together, we just had similar tastes and couldn't help picking the same subjects!

The day passed in a daze, I wasn't really paying any thing any attention, I was worried about the ART exam I had on Wednesday afternoon. It was my last exam thankfully, ( they always finished just before our birthday, so we never had a problem with them when we should have been enjoying the day or our parties, and we were off that Friday anyway so everything worked out okay since the party was that night) but it was the one I dreaded the most. ART is my favourite subject, and I needed a good result to ensure a place at a good course in college. Fair enough I was the top of my class, but I still worried.

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