"No, the little cow erased the location from my memory, I have no idea where he is," Rebekah sighed, looming frustrated in herself and the witch.

"But you're not giving up, are you? You have to have a plan," I said desperately.

"Of course I'm not giving up, he's my brother," Rebekah snapped. "Niklaus and I have a plan for tonight, but you need to stay away. Marcel is having a big party tonight, they'll be vampires everywhere and they can't see you. Not after what happened last time Marcel saw you. I will get in contact with you afterwards and let you know what happened... Just promise me you'll leave this one to us."

I went to argue but the look Rebekah gave me, made me keep my mouth shut. Perhaps she had a point. I could help get Elijah back once they found out his location. "Okay, but I'm coming with you when you get the location."

"Deal," She nodded and threw some money on the table before heading out of the cafe.

I stayed there for a little longer before heading out after her. As I was walking I noticed a woman following me. I picked up my pace and made a few random changes in direction down various back streets, yet she still followed me. I went to head down one street but I saw another woman there, walking towards me so I head down the empty street to my right. More and more women appeared to be following me from various streets, but I couldn't understand how they knew I'd be there.

That was until I found myself standing outside the witch cemetery. They hadn't known I was going to be there, they forced me to be there. They herded me straight into the place they wanted me.

I stopped and turned to face them. "What do you want?" I demanded.

"You are a hybrid, like Klaus," One of them said. It was a statement, but I answered it anyway.


"We want to know your weaknesses in case things go wrong with Sophie's plans," The witch said. "We might not be able to do magic, but we know people who want to help find a way to kill Klaus - and you're the way to find that out."

A group of men appeared behind the witches, who let them walk through towards me. Before I could react to fight them off, I was filled with vervain darts. My vision went blurry but I tried my best to hit the men trying to take me down.

I felt a warm and still beating heart in my hand, filling me with satisfaction as I ripped it out, before everything went black.


When I came around, my hands were in chains dipped in vervain and tied above my head, my feet were barely touching the ground, but they two were in chains. I pulled against them, grunting in pain but either I was too weak to break them or it wasn't possible for a vampire - or hybrid - to break them.

"She's awake," I heard someone say, before I heard footsteps approach.

"Now Hybrid, why don't you tell us about yourself?" The man who appeared in front of me smirked.

"I get a bit nervous talking to strangers, why don't you start?" I rolled my eyes, but even that felt like too much effort so I settled for a blank look from then on.

I felt a burst of pain in my stomach as he stabbed me with a stake, which seemed to have a mixture of vervain and wolfsbane on the end. "I could do this all day, Hybrid, so why don't you save yourself a lot of pain and answer my questions."

"So, what are you? Warlock? No... Vampire? Maybe... Oh no, by that bitter face I'd say you must be a werewolf," I guessed at what supernatural being he was, trying to find a way to both annoy him and not answer his questions.

"I'll be more specific. How did you become a vampire-werewolf hybrid?" He growled, getting angrier by the second.

"Well when a vampire and a werewolf love each other very much they-"

"This isn't a joke," He snapped and stabbed me again, the pain erupting throughout my body as I groaned. "How did you become a hybrid?"

"There was a ritual, and some killing involved... I'm not really sure, it was all a bit of a blur to be honest," I answered lazily, acting as though I wasn't interested or in pain - when I was really feeling both. Why did he want to know so much about being a hybrid?

"Is it possible to make more hybrids?" He asked, circling me as he spoke.

"Yes, there is, but not anymore. That ship has sailed... Oh, is that what you want? To become a big bad hybrid? Sorry little boy, you're in the wrong game, this ones too advanced for you," I laughed.

He drove the stake through my back and I arched it in pain, screaming as he pulled the stake out through my stomach. If he was a werewolf and the stake had wolfsbane on it how was he not burning himself? I tried to get a proper look at him, was he wearing gloves? It was too dark to see his face let alone his hands and everything was becoming blurry now.

"I'm not being funny, but I'm getting a bit bored of the questions, so can you get to the point soon?" I sighed.

"Maybe I'll let you hang there and have a think for a while," He smirked, before whistling to his friends.

Two men appeared with buckets in their hands. One of the gently put their bucket to the side, whilst the other approached me with it. I could hear liquid sloshing around on the inside. I watched carefully, keeping a straight face as the man stopped in front of me.

"I think our guest needs a bath," The question man said, smirking even wider.

I gulped and tensed as I knew what was about to happen. Squeezing my eyes shut and holding onto the burning chains tightly, I braced myself as the man in front of me threw a bucket full of vervain and wolfsbane over me.

I couldn't do anything but scream as I burned. The smell of burning flesh polluted the air.

"What the hell is going on in here?" A familiar voice shouted, walking into the dark room.

"We're getting our questions answered, we've got an agreement with the witches," The question man replied.

I whimpered as I tried to open my eyes, the vervain and wolfsbane still burning me.

"Let her down now," The familiar voice said angrily.

"No, you can't stop us," The question man growled.

"Watch me," The familiar voice snapped, before coming over to me and yanking the chains off of me. Maybe it was just me being weak. "Everything is going to be okay, Becs, you're coming with me."

I smiled and let myself drop into his arms, "Tyler."

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