The Great War-Part1

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"I've never been so happy in my life. Seeing this idiot die." I state through laughter and tears.
"Ok. Well lets go and no matter what happens, we'll have each others back." Storm pep talks us reminding us of our pact with everyone
We beast out and attack.

Just as predicted, the element Air came first. Tornadoes came our way and with Storm's guidance, we ran straight through them. It surprised them all tearing down their guards.
One by one their limbs fly of like ripping paper, making the battle ground messy. They make it harder for us by blasting wind in our faces. That irritates me making me more angry.

On the other hand, Flower's killing of the Clairvoyant Generation pretty quickly. 

Dams POV
"Look, whatever you do, remember to camouflage." My pep talks are awesome
I run ahead with the pumas following behind. We are going to make sure the fights are opposite each other so when the water element weirdo people, squirt water they hit a fire generation weirdo.
It works until they figure out what we're doing. Their fire finger was a heated knife that slashed my throat adding to the blood on the battle ground.

Tyler POV
"Slow motion walk until they make a move. Flower has helped us by killing at least 10% more of the psychic, so all we have to do is kill the remaining 20%. We're kings lets fight like some."
From the left and right side us Lions walk towards the psychics scowls on out faces. From here, I can see them glitch already knowing where to move.
Majority of us encircle them while the rest of those were smart enough to move.
A loud 'ROAR' catches them off guard, I don't know how but it did and we got a chance to attack.

Dreshna POV
Bobbie got hit by a tornado too hard and is now either knocked out OR dead. Others are a big damaged and my daughter is nowhere to be found.
I walk around staying low looking for her. From behind me, a way too familiar voice starts to speak. "So this us Drew's daughter." I turn around faster than lightning and pounce, only to be hit with a boulder.
"Let. Her. Go." I state as slowly as possible for this dumbass Scientist to understand.
He twirls her around like she's a piece if meat. "I don't want to."
I pounce and like last time, a boulder hits me, causing more damage. My eyes turn a pure purple making my body start to self-heal.
Flower on the other hand is mad. Her eyes turn red and in a second, Dr. Druin is laying in a bloody puddle, dead.

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