The New Kid

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For the past few days, I've been trying to find a scientific method to give us our updates so we can continue to exist.
I may be a genius but that level of expertise is way out of my knowledge, so I'll need a more skilled person to assist me and that person is not Storm.
I hear talk about a cute new boy. Usually I could care less but right now I'm trying to actually try and get info without my tab people.
"Who's the new boy?" I ask Storm when I sit by her at lunch.
She may be popular for her gift that came with the experiments, love but I'm popular for my attitude.
Piss me off and you'll be sorry.
"Heard his name is Drew." She answers me
Before I can even think about whether OR not he's the Drew I know, I see a bag of people running towards a crowd.
I don't have to go because I have increased senses and can hear and see miles away from me, So I see and hear everything that's going on and it is in fact the Drew I know using his abnormality  to beat up this poor kid.
It may not be my fight, but something has to be done OR else the ESEA will come snooping around and I will not let all of my hard work go to waste because of one dumbass boy.
I super speed over to the crowd and just stand in the middle of both of them just when the dude's swinging his fist. A white move, yes, but it worked.
He freezes, looks into my eyes which flash purple with a red ring and takes off scared.
"Go away!" I shoo the crowd and they leave for the same reason as the other guy. My eyes.
I turn to Drew and he can tell that I'm not happy. "What the hell?!"
He puts his hands up in defense "He started it."
"I don't care. You come in my territory and create a ruckus. I've been under the radar since the night I escaped and I don't need you to come and destroy all my work." My words were cruel but had to be said.
People already know that I'll tell you straight up an to your face. I keep no opinion secret.
I walk away because I honestly have no time for this, I need to find someone dumb enough to help me but smart enough to figure out how.

Drew POV
Since I just got updated, I can do things that I couldn't have done before. The scientist put a tracking device on everyone that they experimented on.
Jessica and Scout got one implanted inside of them but I took them out while helping them escape.
The new update make me more animal like, so I can 'beast out' depending on my emotion and when I control it, I can 'beast out' at any point in time.
I turn into a grey wolf like my generation which includes a well changed Jess and an unknown Scout.

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