Getting Help

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When I was leaving the room with Storm at my side, Tyler approaches me and takes me to a corner. "That was you wasn't it?"
"Yea. I didn't expect this to happen." I admit
"I know. For now on we have to stick together. I'm a Puma, one generation above Wolves."
"Good that's nice to know but..." I start to wonder off
"They conceal lots of information, SEA. Like the formula they made for the animal generations held too much information that made us the smartest. I didn't escape but I took out my tracking device along with many others." He stops indicating for me to comment on anything he just said
I look back and see that Storm has been listening to all of this. "How many more? Because that day I clawed you, people weren't surprised at what they saw, they just knew it was wrong."
"We're going to my Great-Grandmother who's a mixture of all the animal generations because her formula got mixed wrong,tonight to find out more on the future events. We're meeting up by the old Willow at 8. Hope to see you both along with Drew there." He starts to walk away but I grab his upper arm. He says instead of answering my question
"I don't think Drew should come, he can't really be trusted. You saw that he stood up for the enemy in the video." I tell him this in a cautious whisper and he nods.
We go our separate ways keeping in mind everything that was said on both ends.
Storm and I get dressed to go to the old Willow by the cabins down North. By 7:30, we come out the house and I start to walk to clear my head and surprisingly Storm follows me.
Both Storm and I got tired of walking and just beast out and start running just for the thrill of it.
'I like this version better.' Storm tells me while running
'I know right! This is so fun!' I answer back

In a matter of minutes we reach the old Willow where Tyler and a bunch of other people are standing around.
He sees us running and smiles. He looks back to the people behind him and whistle. They beast out into different animals, lion, puma and I think I saw a handful of wolves.
Storm and I slow down because we have no idea where we're going and they're leading the way.

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