The War:Prophecies

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They always said the war would start with us making the first move. That in fact is wrong. Lana started it and we fought back. Weeks passed for my body to self-heal fully.
Flower has grown so much an has just turned 2. I remember all the pain, sadness and the happiness of the idea of her.
"Now the prophecy talks of abnormal time passing. I know that we will cause time to pass by faster so everything can be processed quicker and everyone will have gained more intelligence. Everything said is to come." Dams tells us the prophecy that Storm, Tyler and I are starting to fulfill. To be honest, that was my intention. I need this War to happen. We need a change, and we can teach Flower that because she has to learn to forgive, how to do what others won't do. That's her job and it's up to us to teach her that.

"Ok baby. If someone hits you what would you do?" I ask Flower for the umpteenth time
"Hit them back." She responds and folds her arms
"What did I tell you?" I ask her
"That I should 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' I know but if they start it I want to finish." She reminds me
Her eyes turn red in anger and vengeance. She learned about the events of her first birthday party.
"Hay. Listen to your mother. She knows what she's talking about." Bobbie intervenes
Flower listens to him and has grown fond of him. Dams has told me many times that she is the first to love someone.
"I know but-" She gets cut off by Dams
"Let me tell you a story baby." Flower's eyes light up brighter than the sun itself and listens carefully. "A little girl about your age, got brought to an unknown place by the white people. Scientists wanted to make her better than human, they wanted her to be different. Those scientists beat her and made her bleed." A tear runs down Dams' eye but we know better than to interrupt her. "They put something inside of her blood that made it weird. She almost died, but they added more blood to her to make her better. To this day that girl has never tried to hurt them for what they did to her. She only wishes them the best. Right now she's old and tired but will live long due to her happiness. Dams wants that for you ok Flower?"
Flower nods. "Can I go play with Bobbie?"
"Go ahead baby." I answer her in tears


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