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Drew POV
Storm and I walk over to the bush where we saw Lana. I make eye contact with her and before she could get to move, we have her surrounded.
"What the hell Lana?" I tell her
"I was just trying to make her do what was right." She fires back
"I understand that but why the hell are you here. You have no business here because you're working for them." Storm cuts in
Lana sighs "I know that, but I believe that making an experiment army isn't the best thing to do."
I look at Storm puzzled. "What are you talking about?"
"Shit." She exclaims then walks around in a circle. "You weren't supposed to know that." She says in more of a hushed tone
"You already started to tell so finish." Dreshna unexpectedly pops up from behind
It doesn't scare me because I saw everything that happened today about a week ago.
"Fine. They experimented on me about a month ago and I overheard some scientists say that they were just creating us to make a whole new generation army stronger than any one before to kill off the three remaining animal generations which include- wolf, lion and puma. I believe that killing is wrong. That's why I helped you."
"Bullshit." Storm answers after a moment of silence.
'Something feels wrong.' Dreshna mentally tells both me and Storm
'Same.' We both respond
"Ok so when do you go back to them?" Dreshna asks
"Tomorrow." The bell rings for class and we all split.

Dreshna POV
The whole 'I believe that killing is wrong' act failed by far. I'm not an idiot, there's some catch to all of this but I don't know what.
When my eyes changed color, Tyler didn't look shocked OR scared. He had no reaction to what happened to him like it was something that he has seen before.
In his eyes I saw that a very pale yellow ring flashed around his hazel eyes just for a second. Nothing is adding up to make sense. Why didn't the crowd go crazy when my nails grew longer OR when my eyes changed color?

Lana POV
Everything that I told the members of the wolf generation were partly true. The thing is that I got specific orders from SEA to find any members of any animal generation and I did exactly that.
I go back to SEA later in the evening to tell what I learned.
"I found Experiment 2.12, Jesscia McLaughlin and Experiment 2.01 Scout. They go to the same High School as me alongside Drew." I report back to Dr. Druin
"Good. They've escaped us before but not again. Your parents are free." Dr. Druin congratulates me and releases my parents from the cell they were held in.
I get a text from Drew. I forgot they gave us each other's information.
'White Bitches can't be trusted.'
I understood what that meant. Family will always come first no matter the problem.

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