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Lana POV
I recently got experimented on by SEA. Now they do any and everyone who they see fit and not only elementary school children. For my generation, we deal with the 4 forces of nature which are Earth, Wind/Air, Fire and Water and only 1 out of 4 experiments get all four forces. Our generation is called The Element Generation.
Unfortunately for me, I'm not the one. I have the force of Wind/Air and am able to control it to do anything I command it to.
I got experimented on just a month ago. The scientists from SEA said that they're trying to make a whole new generation army stronger than any one before. They're trying to make an army to kill off any of the three remaining animal generations which include- wolf, lion and puma.
They're training the new generation, to be killers. To be predators and attack.
I actually met the an enemy, Drew of the Wolf Generation. He went back to get updated when I was getting injected with the formula.
When I saw what an experiment from the wolf generation was doing, I had to literally push her to do the right thing. It's not in my new found blood stream but the human part of me remembers that killing another is wrong unless it's self-defense.
I'm not sure who the person is but I couldn't stand there and watch him bleed out, something had to be done.
I look over to the side see Drew but didn't think he was a threat until he started coming my way with an unknown girl.

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