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I wait out by the bush for Drew because I can feel the pain of being erased and it sucks.
I hear rustling and Drew comes out from a random bush. "Well I see now that I know two people who like to hide out in bushes." Is how I greet him.
"Hi to you too." He responds "I actually made the formula to save time."
"Yea. But is it with you now?" I ask rather nicely if you ask me
"Yes, the things is, you have to be at a safe environment where 10 years of changes can occur."
"My house. Follow me." I speed off with him right behind me towards my and Storm's house which isn't very far from here.

I open the front door and to my surprise the house is quiet. "Storm!" I yell out for her because she's a very tricky person to be living with
"Who's that?" Drew whispers in my ear
"That's Scout but named Storm." I tell him and he nods in understanding
I walk to her room and open the door to find her asleep. "The perfect time. Tell me what's inside and the side effects."
"There's oxygen,animal DNA liquified and a bunch of other colored chemicals that I saw them throw in. The side effects are weakness to stand, talk OR eat, aggression, energized abilities, chills and a color spree where you just see random colors at random times because of the adjustment to your eyes. These don't occur if you're asleep for the whole proccess."
I nod "You have the needle and chains?"
"You're a smart cookie." He taps my head
"Haha yea. Needle and chains please."
A needle magically appears in his hands and he gives it to me as he reaches in his bag for the chains used to stop us from getting out and causing chaos.
"Cuff her to the bed and tell me when."
He nods and does as told. "Go."
I inject Storm with the formula and wait for her response. She tosses and turns then just freezes.
"It's working." Drew starts talking and I turn to look at him "I know that we just re-met, but something feels like it's going to happen between us." I smile and turn away from him to look at Storm and all goes dark.

Drew POV
When Dreshna turned around to check on Storm, I injected her with the formula because as part if the method, if you've been created as the same generation you'll have to get the update at the same time.
Storm and Dreshna has been in contact with each other, which makes it all the better to do it at the same time. I carry Dreshna to her room and take out my other set of chains and tie them around her hands and connect it to her bed.
I know that I can't just leave her OR Storm like this so I just stay and lay next to her.

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