The Video

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Storm POV
When I walk into school Monday morning, people give me weird looks when I walk by. To be honest, I have no idea as to what's going on.
I know that I've changed, I'm in set 1, I keep to myself, I'm suddenly quiet and I haven't kissed someone in months.
I see Dresh walking with the same puzzled look on her face. "What's going on?" We ask each other at the same time.
Drew comes with a worried look "Watch the video." He holds up his phone to a video which shows the events of yesterday. I have never been so happy to see him.
The whole thing, from when we beasted out to when we all went back to normal.
Dresh scrolls down to see who posted it. It was posted by someone who calls themselves 'VidGeek1.0' Dresh seems to know who that is and starts to walk fast for a human. She ends up in the computer lab and goes to a small guy with glasses and freckles with a blue shirt that says 'VidGeek1.0' on it.
"Idiot." I say loud enough for Drew to hear who can't hold back a chuckle.
"Take it down, OR I'll keep my promise." She commands the feeble little boy
"I'm sorry but I won't." He pushes his glasses further up on his nose
Her eyes turn purple with a red ring around it. "Why not?" She crosses her arms
"Because umm..." He starts to talk but puts his head down
"Exactly. Take it down OR I will." This time it's a threat and when she does things, she makes sure it's gone. It never existed and he well enough knows that. He used to keep tabs on ESEA for her so he knows what she can do.
He turns and starts to type quickly and soon enough the video's gone. "Get up." She takes the guy out of his chair and starts to type rapidly. Black screens with green writing keeps popping up and closing. The loading sign comes on indicating that any traces of the video is gone. The original, and copies from everyone's hard drive is now gone.

I learned something from today, don't double-cross Dresh and make sure you mean what you say to her.
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