More Training

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After that stunt Drew pulled, we all have to train harder especially me. I just had a baby and all of my sense are stronger. I just have to know how to unlock them.
I won't always have to protect Flower. We have a plan for her. Right now she has her part in this down-pact. Us that have wolf DNA stay in our animal forms to not make her feel alone. I don't know if it's working but she seems happy and that's all I want for her.
I can't love her but I have a liking to her. That's as close to love as it'll get.
"Ok wolves. There is your prey lying around here somewhere. Go and find it." Storm and Tyler tell us. As leaders they have to learn to have our obedience, I mean we are part dog and dogs are very obedient so this should be easy.
"This will teach you to be prepared for anything. They'll be hiding in plain sight with traps along the way." They continue.
We can't smell them out. We don't know the smell. But Hiding in plain sight. We don't need anything except less common sense.
That part actually makes sense as to where to find this prey. I checked a bush that I not-too-long ago passed and sure enough there was the prey. It was a cute little rabbit that I grabbed and brought back.
They howled for the rest to come back and they did, record time.
"Someone actually found it. I thought Bobbie would find it. You had to dumb down didn't you?" Tyler asks
I nod.
They both went back to their human forms showing that this lesson is over.

*Feelin generous🤗😉😜*

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