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Flower POV
I climb out of the sink quietly to look out the window. Some unknown humans in cloud white doctor's jackets and my family are fighting against each other.
A battle outside means that someone's not happy.

The door to outside opens and the blood bath is heard. I see my mother's fur dyed red and grey. She growls and backs up slowly. An unknown pale human comes into my view holding a gun.
My mother halts, still growling, getting ready to pounce on her prey. She leaps and mid-way she falls, cries echoing the room.

Seeing this makes me angry, not scared anymore. I lock on my target, eyes paler than the man standing in front of me.
Jumping down to the floor, I angrily walk towards him, fangs shining, claws sharp.
The man laughed a hyena laugh which made my ears bleed.
He crouches down to my level. Wrong move. My claws connect with his throat never letting go.
He screams in pain, then collapses on his back. I used my teeth as knives, cutting into his throat ripping out everything it touches.

*Hi🤗😜. I wnt hav any wifi the wknd cmin😭. So I will make up for not posting.
Plus this book is almost done so.
Cntinu reading👌🏾. Luv u guys💁🏽🙏🏾😘*

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