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"You know exams are this week right?" Storm asks me while we go out to walk
"Yep. But have I grown a horses tail? No. So don't expect me there." I look at Storm with all seriousness.
The only reason I actually went to school was to TRY (keyword) and be normal to stay under the radar. After having Flower, I realized that we're already found so why hide.
A smirk reaches Storm's face. "You know Bobbie will miss you right." She comes to halt
"Sure. People don't miss me, they just wish I were there." I shrug my shoulders
"Whatever keeps you alive" Storm puts her hands up in surrender
I walk with the pack to school. They had to drag me off of Flower, a mother's worst nightmare. No matter what I did they wouldn't let go. Then Tyler reminded me that we can't kill each other. Injure yes but not enough to kill. So I stopped struggling and let them take me.

I told the head examiner to just let me take all the exams at one time. He doubted me and I took care of it. I didn't kill him but I made sure he gave me what I want.

I have to do Math- Paper 1&2, English, Science, IT- Paper 1&2.
Sounds simple but its over 5 hours.

I sit in a private room and start, timing myself. Each question, took about a minute and there was 60 on Math1. Then on Math2 was 6 problems that I had to work out, took about 30 minutes.
English and Science took exactly half-an-hour.
IT took 10 minutes, it's my absolute favorite subject. As a kid, I wanted to build a mega-computer that could process any amount of information in the amount of time needed. I wanted to be able to fix computers make, new phones, be rich, famous. All of that went down the drain when I got injected. One injection changed everything.
Storm wouldn't let me leave so I stayed with Tyler and his squad. They're a bunch of idiots I don't even know if the injection made them smarter because boy.
We talked out Flower then dome dumbass asked how she got here. They said that me and Drew did a dance.
"No. That is not how it went!" I argue with Tyler
"Then show us." He motions to the empty space.
"Well." I pause to think of a clever way to get myself out of this
'Don't even try.' Tyler mentally scolds me, his smirk never leaving
"Fine. It takes two to tango."
"Told you it was a dance." The same dumbass shouts out.
"Shut the hell up Derik." I yell over to him
"Well I can't show you how it went until I get a partner." I cross my arms
Tyler steps forward and I shake my head. "You're Storm's property."
From the back there are choruses of 'OOh'.
"Ok but for real."
Bobbie's pushed forward and I shrug. "Ok just do what I say. So I looked him in his eyes, then down to his lips.He pulled me closer to him and then." I kiss Bobbie exactly how it happened that night
"He left kisses all down my neck. Thank you Bobbie. I think you get what happened." I winked then walked away

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