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Drew POV
I haven't spoken to OR seen Dreshna and Storm in months but I know that something changed. Lana speaks to me but not very often just mostly friendly greetings. We don't have a label but we do get intimate. 

"Ok students. Exams are just a week away so complete all three textbooks as study help. Go in pairs, the person next to you is your partner. No exchanges, no complaints, no solos. If you do, I will personally take of 10% off of your grade." Our math teacher, Mr. Green, brutally makes us know what to do
I look to Dreshna who looks emotionless. "Hi partner." She outstretches her hand with a smile that I gladly take. "Come by my place at 7:30. If you don't come, I'll make sure you fail." Her smiles disappears faster than it came at the last part
"Ok I'll see you then." I respond with a nod then the bell rings for the next class

Dreshna POV
"I guess you'll have a niece sooner than later. Probably." I inform Storm on our way to ICT Class
"Why do you say that?" She asks
"He's coming by at 7:30 to start studying because we have to do it in pairs."
"Hmm. You do realize that you'll 'lose it' to him right?" She stops and asks me in all seriousness
I sigh "Yep. But I gotta do what has to be done."
She nods in understanding.
It's just 6 but I'm freaking out. I need to know what's going to happen. I'll try not to worry about it but Storm's damn eyes show so much worry and it's making me go crazy so I tell her to leave. Now it's just me and my math textbooks sitting in the living room until it turns 7. I go to my room and take out a black sweatshirt with a lion on it and ripped jeans. I put my hair into a high ponytail and put on some lipgloss.
When I start walking out from my room I hear a knock on our front door. If course Drew's here.
I open the door and plaster a fake smile on my face to seem friendly.
"Ok so let's get this over with so you can get the-"
"No need to finish I get the point." Drew cuts me off and opens the first textbook to page 1 when we're in the living room.
He ask each other boring math questions until we give up and order a pizza.
"Ok so you're telling me that Lana is that good in bed and you 'didn't want her to die because you'll miss her'? I ask half laughing
"Yes!" He answers me laughing
My legs fall asleep so I get up and try to stretch them but fail miserably and fall right into Drew. His stormy grey eyes stare into mine and it's like he has me locked in his gaze. I can't look away.
I see his eyes flicker down to my lips and back up. We come closer together and soon enough we're in a heated make-out session. Our tongues are playing with each other and I pull myself closer to him to feel his heartbeat accelerating like mine. I tilt my head back and he kisses my jawline down to my neck. I take of my sweatshirt and he takes of his shirt and I can't help but stare at his beautiful abs and look further down to see his V-cut.
We kiss some more until I feel his hand tugging at the hem of my jeans. I take them off along with my underwear.
'Great. Now I'm showing him my crotch.' I think hating this whole situation.
His pants and underwear drop from his waist and I lay on top if him then he flips me to the bottom, my feet wrap around his waist with my back arched so far I feel like it'll just snap.
Suddenly we change into wolves, as quickly as we changed, we changed back.
He pulls back out again for the last time everything's over. Finally.
*This chapter was so hard to write. It may be a bit weird but I think you get what I'm trying to explain.
Thx 4 readin😘*

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