A Vast Escape To Another World

Start from the beginning

Claire's energy had lessened, her heart normal but her mind was still seeing that horrible nightmare. The thought of just imagining her Mom...die, had a gut wrenching affect on her immediately. She felt many emotions running through her at once. But what puzzled her was that she hadn't had this dream in months. They had stopped coming long ago. Why now? Why the sudden reappearance the morning after her wedding? Especially after a wondrous night with her husband.. She couldn't think clearly yet to save her life, but she could open her eyes and look at the one person who could and was there to comfort her. 

Could you Claire? Yes, you can.

Her conscience nagged quietly in her mind.

Taylor noticed her stiffen, though she only removed her head from his upper body to look up into his eyes. Claire's eyes stung in the morning light, plus still a bit wet from the previous happenings. Taylor slowly removed his hand from around her and softly stroked her face. The warmth excluding from Taylor was like a gift from the heavens. Claire cherished this moment of safety within Taylor's arms, the feeling of knowing that he'll always be by her side, and always there for her in her toughest times.

They didn't need to say anything to know what was going on. Claire just rested her tired head back on Taylor's shoulder and a shaky sigh came from her open mouth; her fingers trembled when the cool air of their hotel room touched them. Taylor felt and squeezed himself just a bit tighter around her, protecting her in a way. She laid her hands on his chest and gave all her weight into his lap.

She has been through way too much to deserve this, Taylor thought. He wondered why she would receive these horrific nightmares of watching the death of her Mom. Though as he rocked her gently, he assumed that he'd have to wake her again - seeming that she fell asleep - to get ready to go to the airport. He laughed softly at himself, knowing that he'd lied slightly to her last night about not knowing where they were headed for the honeymoon, but Taylor knew that this would be one surprise she would never forget.

Claire's POV

I rolled out of bed, literally, hitting the carpeted floor with a thud. "Jesus.." I moaned into the ground. Why me?

Taylor's footsteps boomed inside my head, making me wonder why I had such a raging headache. "Are you okay?" He helped me to my feet with effort when I noticed what I was wearing. Practically nothing. Did I not remember last night? Oh yes, sex fest. Lovely memory. Hey, I'm sure as hell not being sarcastic about that.

"Yeah, I'm... fine." Wincing once a stab of pain jolted through my skull.

Taylor (dressed and ready for something?) was staring at me with worried eyes. "Where are we going? Why are you all.." I was trying to find words to speak.

"Clothed?" He smirked.

Well faded light blue jeans and a fitted white T-shirt, I would say, that's normal for him. My eyes trailed from his face, down to his body, watching his chest get bigger then fall with every breath he took. A small voice way in the back of my mind was celebrating to its own excitement, screaming:

"I'm so damn lucky! So. Damn. Lucky!"

I pulled myself away from my daze and focused back on reality. Rolling my eyes, I remembered where he was coming from. Our hot, sweaty night last night. God dammit, I love him.

He chuckled at my expression, "Because we have to head off to the airport. So go get dressed Mrs. Lautner." That was the first time he'd called me that, and it wouldn't be the last. A happy smile was placed naturally on my face, but soon faded.

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