wrong choice.

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"Serris! Open the door!"

I heard my brother yelling. I rushed downstairs when I realized that it was raining outside and there was a storm. I opened the door and he was holding a stuffed toy around his arms and he didn't look happy..

He walked in without saying a word and ran upstairs to the room. He slipped and fell flat on his face and I couldn't hold it in, but laugh.

Miya:that's not very nice Mija.
Serris:sorry mom,

She raised an eyebrow and pointed at Sean who's still laying flat on his face.

Serris:sorry Sean.

He raises a thumbs up and he continues to do nothing. I walked past him as he grabbed my leg and tackled me. I fell on my behind and he started tickling me. It's like when we were kids. I never had this much fun tackling my brother down until he begs me to stop.i think it's the opposite way.

After a couple of minutes, I stood up and ran to my room and locked the door in relief. I fell backwards onto my bed and started using my phone.


Hey Serris, can I talk to you?



Sean's Point of View:

I jumped on my bed and landed on my face again. I stood up and looked at the mirror observing myself looking like some idiot that thinks he actually looks good. My face looks so bad right now, I'm so red because of how many times I've tripped. I'm acting so immature lately, but why?

I texted Bailey until i remembered what happened.

Bailey's Point of View:

Kenneth:are you serious?
Bailey:oh my god yes. Like, he literally kissed me out of nowhere it was crazy.

Why am I talking to him you ask? Well,that's because I can. I don't know why, but for the past days, I've literally stopped talking to Sean for awhile. I started going out way more, and doing what I want. I also don't know why I feel free, with Sean around me all the time, it feels like prison. One wrong move your dead. literally. Nah, I'm kidding.

I texted Serris and I really felt like I should tell her about how I feel. It might affect me and Sean or even her, but I can trust her. I'm low key scared that she will hate me after but I'll wish for the best.

The music was so loud I couldn't hear what Ken was saying. You literally need to shout for him to hear a single thing. There was broken pieces of shot glasses and all those stuff on the floor. I tried to avoid stepping on anything sharp on the floor and so did everyone else. A random guy offered me a drink and j drank it all. I realized that Ken was trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear him.

My vision started getting all hazy and I got dizzy. I decided to walk downstairs as Kenneth tried to support me from falling.

Sean's Point of View:

There's a house party across the street and I'm assuming It's hosted by Lexee cause duh, she lives there. I see a girl, a familiar one, sort of tumbling while walking. I realized that Kenneth's arm was around her so that girl is obviously Bailey. I walked downstairs and walked towards the house. So many Fangirls approached me but I ignored them all. Bailey acted so drunk. She kept smiling and laughing at whatever is making her laugh. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at Kenneth giving him the "are you serious" look.

Sean:really man?
Kenneth:I didn't give her the drink.
Sean:you can't even take care of a person.

I grabbed baileys arm and tried to pull her away from him but then she interlocked her hand with Kenneth's trying not to make any contact with me whatsoever.

"Stop Sean. Let me go."

Sean:you're drunk Bailey, let's go.
Bailey:you're not my dad.
Sean:I'm trying to keep you--
Bailey:stop. I want to be with Ken.

That hit me a bit. I felt my fave flush; in a bad way. My grip around her wrist became tighter as I tried to pull her away from him but that didn't work.


Sean:Bailey,you need to come-
Bailey:I don't want to come Sean, I'm perfectly fine with Kenneth. At leas he likes me more than you do.

That's a lie.

I rolled my eyes and continued pulling her away from him but she wouldn't let go. I let go of her wrist and she pulls Kenneth into a hug which disturbed me a lot and pisses me off for some reason.

About 8 minutes of trying to talk her out of it, she didn't. I put up a point that I should've never put up.

Sean:fine, who would you rather pick, me or Kenneth?

I hate comparing.

Bailey:Kenneth! You're just a desperate bitch that's such a loner, you need love in your life. But too bad, cause-
Kenneth:Bailey, stop.

He held his hand out. I can't believe what she just said. I pulled her and she slapped me in the face. I ran my hand down my face and brushed my fingers against the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Fine, stay with Kenneth. You'll regret it."

She stared at me as I walked back home without saying anything. My nerves sensed she was still there staring at me regretting already.


I wasn't able to update in awhile😁 but here it is. Good morning to you and damn, another school day😩😅

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