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Kenneth gets a call and it sounds like a girl.. Bailey looks at him and he covers the speaker.

Kenneth:I have to go guys. *smiles*
Sean:uhh- okay..

He walks outside and closes the door.

Bailey runs her fingers through her hair and breathes out.

Kaycee:you okay?
Bailey:y-yeah I am..

She's so bad at lying about how she feels. Well, no offense.

Kaycee stared at both of us while I was playing on my phone.

Bailey pov:

Sean's on his phone again. And yes, I am a dramatic person at times. I like getting a lot of attention. Not because I'm spoiled, it's because my dads not with me all the time and he's out in Korea with his job. Whenever he visits, he never ignores me. There's something wrong.

Sean:yeah yeah wait I'm getting my KO's (knock outs from COD.. And yes, I'm a gamer😂)
Sean:Damn it just wait.

I cross my arms and roll my eyes while Kaycee just watches us from the corner of the room.

Bailey:I hate it when you act like I don't mean anything to you.
Sean:well, I hate it when you act like you don't know that you mean everything to me.

I blush a little and face the other way. Kaycee gasps and faces both of us.

Kaycee:That was sweet af right there.
Bailey:as if.

I roll my eyes but it was sweet. What he said was very sweet.

Kaycee:no joke.

Sean faces Kaycee and nods his head and offs his phone.


Sean:well Kaycee, you've never had a boyfriend have you?

I look at Sean and laugh at the inside. What? Is he gonna go hunt down a guy for her? As if.

Sean:I think I know someone you're type..

Oh god..


He raises a finger up and I do a face like "wtf did you say?" Look.

Kaycee:who is Julian?
Sean:aaand is a good friend of baileys.
Bailey:yeah yeah.

Sean:Bailey and I are gonna decide.

Ok wtf? Is he the Love Police now? What? Are you Cupid or something?

He pulls my arm and drags me out of the room.


He gets interrupted when a guy accidentally bumps me as I trip.


"Ooh! I'm sorry!"

He offers me his hand and pulls me up. I wipe off the dust from my shoulder and look at him.

Guy:really sorry. I didn't see you there.
Bailey:that's okay.

I pick up the papers that fell on the floor. Test papers.

Bailey:wow, you get high grades.
Guy:eh- that's nothing.

I pile up the papers and hand it to him.

Bailey:your welcome.. What's your name?
Guy:Carson. Carson Lueders.
Bailey:ah. Nice name.

I give him a hand shake and notice Sean staring. The death stare. I didn't want him to scold me so I broke it.

Bailey:um- meet my boyfriend.

I pulled Sean by the wrist and I hope Kaycee doesn't wonder why we're taking so long.

Sean gives a fake smile and he grabs my arm pretty tight.

Carson:nice to meet you.

He shakes Sean's hand and he at me for a moment and breaks it.

Carson:Oh um I better go-
Kaycee:What's taking you guys so-

They both look at each other.

Kaycee:oh.. Um- sorry.
Carson:no- no. It's fine actually.
Bailey:yeah I just accidentally bumped into Carson.
Carson:yeah.. I think I recognize you..
Kaycee:you do?
Carson:yeah um.. MDC if I'm right?
Kaycee:right. And you are..
Carson:Carson. Carson Lueders.
Kaycee:Kaycee Rice.

They both shake hands.

Carson:well I better go now. My coach is gonna kill me.
Kaycee:haha okay.

They both smile and Carson says bye.

Carson:I'll see you guys sometime.
Bailey:yeah. Bye Carson.
Carson:Bye Bailey,Sean and Kaycee.

He runs off while Kaycee just stands there.

Sean:avoid that guy.
Kaycee:why? He seems nice.
Bailey:Very nice.
Sean:Jordyn Jones.. She's a relative.

So that's why Sean's been acting weird around him.

Bailey:How are they related?
Sean:Cousins. And I think she's his coach.
Kaycee:well he's not Jordyn so..
Bailey:wait.. Do you like him?
Kaycee:what? No.

She says sarcastically as I give a smirk. Sean crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.

Sean:do you? And guys, I just met him.
Sean:I thought I was the shipper.
Bailey:then sorry Cupid.
Kaycee:quit it with the ships you two. Let's get inside.

We all go inside and Sean starts to sing.

Kaycee:really Sean?

Hey Guys:D so I'm gonna start to make different scenes after the next 2 scenes. I'll make it a few months later so it's not at the same time. And also, who do you guys ship? Idk.. I ship BaiKen and Seailey/Sealey but more of Sealey..idk why..

Any suggestions? Comment Below and Like💕

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