D_ _ O_

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He looked at me with a straight face and slowly rolled up his sleeve.


I hold out my hands then cover my mouth.

Sean:before I do anything.. I want you to read this.

We both sit down on chairs facing each other and I smile. He pulls out a couple of papers from his bag and he didn't look that happy. He bit his lip and looked down when he handed it to me and I read it all.

He didn't show me his arm yet but he kept rubbing it from under his jacket.

Bailey:why didn't you tell me?
Sean:I didn't want you to..get pressured.
Bailey:I want to do it..
Sean:but Bailey,you can pass out or something.
Bailey:I don't care..who did it?

He rolled up his sleeve and there was a huge cut wrapped in a big bandage.the cut was in the exact same place he got a cut before.

Sean:Kenneth did it by accident..
Sean:he got mad at me for hanging out with you then I saw him in an alley and then he jacked me up. He was drunk and he threw a broken bottle at me and I fell. He used the shard to-

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Sean:are you really?
Sean:but it's a lot of blood..
Bailey:I know. But I owe you don't I?

I gave him a smile and he hugged me even tighter.

I need to donate blood to Sean. He lost too much blood,well it said on the papers. He donated blood to me ages ago and now it's my turn.

He looks down at the floor and I pull his chin up making eye contact and kiss him once.

Bailey:you're going to be okay.
Sean:but will you?

The amount of blood he needed is a lot..I might be with a doctor as well but I'm doing it for him.

Bailey:I'm doing this for you.
Sean:don't change the topic.

He grabs my arm and looks at me.

I show him the paper and he reads the last part about blood donors.

Bailey:I think I'm gonna be okay.

I brush his hair with my fingers.

Bailey:I'm going to talk to my mom about this.. You can just.. Stay here for a minute.

Sean's Point of View:

Bailey left the room and I could feel my arm getting weaker. I look around the room and I see albums. I picked one up and started looking at her baby photos. Damn she was fat. *laughs in mind*
She still had long hair. She went for competitions and all that.shes Athletic.

Bailey's Point of View:

Bailey:I want to donate blood?

All my sisters turned to me and walked towards me and listened.

Kylie:to who?
Britney:what happened to him?

*explains everything*

Britney starts to freak out a bit and covers her mouth.

Bailey'sMom:okay,I'll let you.

She smiles and I Hug her.

Bailey:Thanks guys.

I walk back upstairs and opened the door. I saw him looking through my albums but I wasn't embarrassed.

Bailey:what you looking at?

He points at a picture of me with a guy.

Sean:who was this? He seemed pretty close.
Bailey:The Kinf of douches,Tristan Rubiano of course.

He looked through photos and photos more.

Sean:do you think I'm going to okay..?
Bailey:yes. You will be okay.

Out of nowhere,I held his hand and kind of played with it..

I hugged him again and he rests his head on my shoulder and I brush his hair back.

Someone walks in the door and looks at us.

Bailey:Get out.
Kenneth:But I-

He walks out and slams the door.

Sean:Thanks.i can't believe you could do that to your own crush.
Bailey:haha he's not my crush.

He stops from resting on my shoulder and looks at me then smirks.

Sean:then who is huh?
Bailey:Definitely not you.
Sean: ...
Bailey:I'm kidding.

He kisses me again and I hug him.we kissed for a good 9 seconds and stopped. I wiped my mouth and looked at him then smiled.

Bailey:you should go rest.
Bailey:you're welcome.

I gave a smile and he Laid in my bed then slept. I sat down in the couch reading the papers over and over again.. I looked at him then back at the paper.

It's serious.


So..Sorry if it was short😂💓 just wanted to explain the "cliffhanger" yesterday.

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