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Sean:do you.. Wanna go walk?

I nod and turn my head to face him.

Sean:I mean, we have dance classes later and we could just walk to get there..
Bailey:um- yeah sure..

I opened my closet and looked at all my dance attire.

Bailey:hey which one should I wear?

I point at two different attires.

Sean: maybe the blue one.
Bailey:good choice.

I walk to the bathroom and change my clothes. My shirt was a blue shirt that was pretty long. I wore my black leggings and nikes then I combed my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and Sean's all dressed up as well. He wore a grey-ish black shirt and beige pants. He wore the black n' white nikes too.

Sean:You ready?

We both head downstairs.

Bailey:Bye Ky and Brit! See you tonight!
Britney:Yeah bye Bailey.

I shut the door behind me and we both walk. IDA was pretty far.. Maybe 20 minutes when you drive? It's like that cause I live in Placentia, California while IDA was somewhere in Hollywood.

We finally arrived to dance class and we met the whole squad by the entrance. Aidan was there too. He's 13 now.

Tati:oh hey!
Boogie:wow you're dressed.
Bailey:haha so are you.

The boys was just chatting about routines while me and the girls just talked about life.

Sean taps my back as I turn around.

Sean:let's go inside?

We all stand in our places and Sean stood right beside me. He always compliments me about my "sassy-exaggerated" style of dance.

We learned the routine for "FORMATION" by Rihanna. That was fun.

Matt and Dana started to dance as I recorded them with my IPhone 5s. I really didn't care what generation it was. At least I have a phone right?

Matt:Sean, Josh, Your up!

I clapped for both the boys. I kept staring at Sean's movement. (Bailey really did keep staring in the video😂)
Josh and Sean's move are not that Sync. But they both work well together. Josh does a backflip while Sean does 9-10 turns at once. I kept clapping cause I had a thing for turns and pirouettes. Sean definitely killed that freestyle.

Sean grabs his shoe and slips em' on. He walks towards me and I place one hand on his back.

Bailey:You did great!
Bailey:you really did! You  slayed that choreo.
Sean:and thank you again.

We watched others dance and they were also amazing.

Matt:Bailey,Soni,Tatiana! You're up!

We both take our positions and start to dance. Soni really Killed this one. She did an amazing job.once the dance ended, I congratulated my girls.

Bailey:you both did great.
Soni:well thank you Bailey. You slayed.
Tati:thanks bails.

Sean walks in front of me.

Sean:let's go?
Bailey:yeah.. I guess I'll see you two?
Soni:uh- huh.
Tati:bye Bailey.

Sean and I head out and walk. We had to cross this highway full of busses and everything.

We both crossed and a Van was about to hit me.I had a mini heart attack. Legit one.


Sean puts his arms around me really tight and jumps. He pushes me out of the way and we both land on a rocky sidewalk. I didn't hurt myself but Sean did.

"Omg Sean are you okay!?"

Sean:I-I'm fine..

I get off him and pull him up.

Sean:you almost got-
Bailey:I know. And thank you for pushing me out of the way.
Sean:your welcome.
Bailey:you saved me there.

I gave him a hug and I felt my hand wet. Sean was bleeding. He had a HUGE scratch on his arm from his elbow to his wrist.


He bent a little and covered his arm with his other one trying to prevent it from bleeding.

Bailey:I'm So Sorry!

I panic and this is all my fault. Great, now Sean had a huge scar on his arm that's bleeding like crazy. Even my hand is full of blood.

Sean:don't panic Bailey.
Bailey:I'm so so sorry!

I hug him really tight.

Sean:It's okay. As long as you're safe from that "almost-accident"
Bailey:but you're hurt..

He's hurt because of you Bailey. It's your fault. You're responsible for the incident and his pain.

I wrapped my flannel around his wound and put his arm around my neck. I push him a bit up so he could balance.

Bailey:Yes boo?
Sean:I can't feel my arm.
Bailey:oh shit. It's okay we're near.

I go a bit faster.

Bailey:Get on my back.
Bailey:Get on my back.
Sean:I'm heavy and-
Bailey:If I can carry Kenneth, I can carry you.

Ok maybe I was wrong. I can't even lift Kenneth up a single bit. I ran until I saw my house.


His skin turned pale as I dropped him on the doorstep gently.

Bailey:Britney Help!

Britney came walking down and sees Sean.

Britney:What happened!?
Bailey:no time to explain. Where are the big bandages?
Britney:I'll get them.

She runs upstairs then comes back down carrying a huge band aid and rubbing alcohol.

Bailey:Baby this is gonna hurt a bit okay?

I hold his hand and pour some rubbing alcohol on the wound. He shrieks and squeezes my hand really tight.

Sean:It's fine..It's fine..

I wash the wound with water then dry it. I wrap around the large band aid and kiss it.

Bailey:I'm really sorry Sean.
Sean:It's okay.. I'm okay cause you're okay.
Bailey:thank you.

I bring him inside and lay him in the couch.

Bailey:you rest first.. Does it hurt?
Sean:a lot.

I lie down in the couch. Our couch was the one that you could turn into a bed, or a longer couch, we turned it into a longer one. I sat beside him and smiled.

Bailey:you sure you're okay?

He nods and smiles.

Sean:thank you Bailey.
Bailey:No thank you for saving me.

I kiss his forehead and comb his hair back.

That boy drives me crazy sometimes. Really crazy.

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