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I yawned and pushed my hair back then I started to open my eyes. Oh shit do I have school!? Oh wait.. It's summer.. I try to go out of bed until I felt someone beside me. Oh wait, Sean slept here.. Im so confused. I look over at him and smile.

Bailey:you awake yet? Not? Okay.

I saw his arm and it seems kinda okay. He opens up his eyes a little and looks at me.

Bailey:good morning.

I give off a warm smile.

Sean:h-hi.. Good morning.
Bailey:are you okay?
Sean:yeah..I just have a headache.

I feel so bad.. He's hurt. I wasn't paying attention yesterday on the road and if I ever did, this wouldn't happen. It's my fault..

Bailey:do you want me to get you some water?
Sean:nope I'm good.

I look down on his arm again and feel that shiver go through my spine remembering that was "caused" because of me.

Sean:Bailey, it's okay. I know I have a huge wound.
Bailey:it's's my fault you have that..
Sean:but wouldn't it hurt more of you got hit by a car? Wouldn't that hurt me and especially you?

Wow, this guy has his points. I just want to keep it low key about what happened yesterday.

He combed back his hair and walked to the bathroom to wash his face. I did the same.

Bailey:so do you want to walk and have breakfast out?
Sean:yeah sure. *smiles*

I ran to my room and grabbed some clothes. A white crop top, shorts, and a thin black jacket. I headed downstairs and called Sean.

Bailey:let's go?

We put our shoes on and walk. Sean wore a jacket too.

We walked to Jacks n' Joe. A place where they serve pancakes that taste like heaven. My childhood.

We ordered our pancakes and looked around. Jordyn approached us by Sean's back.

Jordyn:hey Seanny.
Sean:ugh. Jordyn don't call me that.
Jordyn:why not?

She places her hand on Sean's arm.


He looks at Jordyn and crosses his eyebrows while I don't say a word and cross my arms.

Jordyn:I'm sorry! Did this monster hurt you?

She points at me while I'm legit laughing in the inside.


Actually, I kinda did..

Jordyn:okay then.. But she better stay away from you because that attitude of hers? It's not gonna go anywhere.

She says in this annoyingly high pitch tone which just makes me want to punch someone especially Shen she's talking about me.

Bailey:you know what else can go somewhere? Where your butting in.
Jordyn:haha whatever. Fine. I'm going to leave. But Sean?

Sean looks at her.

Jordyn:I'm going to get you.

She leaves in a strange way while I just look back at Sean and do a weird face.

Bailey:ok what the heck was that.
Sean:no idea anymore. Imma enjoy these pancakes.
Bailey:eat up lil' monster.

After eating, we both headed out.

Bailey:thanks for yesterday, I really appreciate it.
Sean:you're welcome.

We both smile and hold hands while swaying it.

Bailey:that would've hurt a lot from that harsh fall.
Sean:but it would hurt more if you got hit.
Sean:I don't care if it hurts or not. I just wanna do things that's what I did. I pushed you off the street.

He makes me smile whenever he makes those little inspiring words that make him cute.

Bailey:that's so sweet.
Bailey:I can't believe we're not even that mature.

We both laugh. Well it's true, I still laugh whenever the ketchup bottle farts.

Sean:I love sharing my opinions to you.
Sean:I don't know why, but I'm so honest. I'm normally just like that to my family members.

This boy is making me smile again.

Bailey:thank you.

I pause for a hug. We met Fangirls on the way and it was pretty funny how they're pissed off because of me.
Actually,Sean is right. If he was about to get hit by a car, I would push him off and land on myself.

We finally arrived home and plopped on the couch.

Bailey:does your parent even know you're here?

I give off a small laugh.

Sean:only Sarah does.
Bailey:wow Sean.

I kiss him on the cheek and he looks at me.

Sean:thank you.

He sat beside me and rested. I curl up into a ball and lean on his shoulder then closed my eyes while he put an arm around me.

Sean:you tired?
Bailey:uh huh..
Sean:then sleep. You need to rest too little one.

He plays with my hair and I smile then sleep.

This guy is amazing. He can sing,dance,play the piano,cook, and inspire you to do what you love. He drives me cray sometimes when my head gets all knotted up that I don't know what to do.. Is it like that sometimes? I don't know.. But what I do know is that being with him feels great. In general.

Sorry if it was short😂 but hope you liked it even if it sucked real bad. 😘❤️👊🏼

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