Gabley and Sealey.

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*loud music playing*

Sean:ugh,god I haven't heard this in years!
Gabe:Sean,it has only been two weeks ever since-

Sean runs into the crowd with his hands up into a whole squad full of girls. One of them hands him a beer as he pours it on top of his head until his shirt is dripping wet.

I sit down on a table and massage my temples then looked at will.

Gabe:why did you even come again?
Will:Sean's treating me for food.

I face-Palm in front of him and peek through my fingers to see a girl standing behind will.

Girl:so? You guys not drinking huh?
Gabe:uh- no, no..I'm just.. Chilling..
Girl:would you like to join me?

She points at the crowd and Sean then looks back at me.

Gabe:Thanks for the invitation but I'm good.
Girl:uh..ok. Boring AF.

She runs into the crowd as I chuckle and look at will.

Will:you know what? I don't think I'm getting any food. I'll go.
Gabe:take care man.
Will:yeah. See you tomorrow.

He leaves the club and I look back at where Sean was at and he's gone. I turn my phone on and call Bailey.


Gabe:help me dude.
Bailey:a good or bad help me?
Gabe:help Sean.
Bailey:why? What's up?
Gabe:I can't find him. We're in a club.
Bailey:wait the..why did you bring him? You know he goes nuts.
Gabe:Bailey,you're the only person I know that can boss him.
Bailey:wow, I'm really known for that?

I smirk but I remember she couldn't see me so I stop with the pretending.

Gabe:uh, yeah yeah just get your butt here asap.
Bailey:you owe me.

*ends call*

Sean:so? Who was that on the phone? one..
Sean:ah..*smirks* *laughs*
Gabe: *fake laughs*

He goes back into the crowd ands start dancing and he's looking like a total sloth right now. Waving his hands everywhere occupying at least 1 meter of space surrounding him.

Gabe:oh my- *clears throat* you scared me.
Bailey:yeah yeah. Where's the boy?
Gabe:where do you think?

Bailey looks at Sean who's shirt is removed and he's swinging it up in the air as security guards come in and grab his arm.

Bailey:uh, hello? He's with me.

Bailey gives them a sarcastic smile and they both let go of Sean and leave.

Gabe:woah, how do they-
Bailey:They know Tati and I.
Bailey:wow,you really don't know your girlfriend?
Gabe:of course I do,
Bailey:she drinks with me here all the time.
Gabe: ...

Sean walks to the table and sits down.

Bailey:oh hey-
Sean:Why? *cries*

Sean's starting to bang his head on the table as Bailey stops him.

Bailey:you ok?

He starts crying again then laughs then cries. drunk.

Bailey:ugh you're just drunk.
Bailey:stop crying.

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