Packing for...

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Bailey pov:

I was emailed from my school about this "transfer" thing where I get to go stay in another school for 4 days and I'm supposed to observe it too. I don't know what school I'm even staying in or any other information besides that. I actually want to join this just for the sake of earning new friends and all that. And yes I simp all the time.

Thank you for the offer and I'd love to join this! May I know the schedule for this "event" so I can start to plan? Thank you so much:) - Baileydrewsok1@

I receive another email and it says that my observation task starts this Thursday. It sucks how I have to be in that school in Saturday, and Sunday cause I have no time with my friends.

Group A:
Sarina Jassy,Sean Lew, Kenneth San Jose, Bailey Sok, Jordyn jones, and Jon Vibar

Group B:
Tatiana McQuay,Will Simmons, Tristan Rubiano, Malia Tinay, and Lexee Smith

Group C:
Kaycee Rice, Julian DeGuzman,Carson Lueders,Joshua Price,and John Cena (< just kidding.)

I started packing for that school observation thing and it was pretty hard because this "school" has dress code violations even if you don't study there and you're a observer or something. I ran downstairs and saw my sisters eating cereal while Britney Sat in the counter. My mom sat in the table and so did I. My face was lit with excitement.

Bailey'sMom:Why so happy?
Bailey:Mom, Can I join this observation event on where I could go to different schools and-
Bailey'sMom:of course honey.
Bailey:thank you.

I ate my cereal real fast and and ran back upstairs. I pulled my luggage off the bed and smiled. I picked up my planner and slipped it inside my bag.

Something's missing...

Hm.. Ah ha!

I pulled out a necklace from my jewelry box and put it on. I texted Sean and Tati and asked them if they are joining this.

Are you joining the observation thing sent by the school?

Where did you find out? And idk...

Check your email. It's all there and pls come:D

I receive a call from him and i pick up.

Sean:Yeah um-
Bailey:So are you joining?
Sean:I don't know..
Bailey:oh come on! It's gonna be fun!
Sean:i don't know bails..
Bailey:please? And we're both in group A so you're not alone.
Sean:Fine. Come over and help me pack.
Bailey:okay, I'll just ask Tati if she's coming.
Sean:okay I'll see you.

*ends call*

I texted Tati and she said she's going. Too bad we're not going to be observing the same classes and we're gonna be observing separate. But that's okay. I change my clothes and comb my hair ready to go to his house.

Bailey:Bye Mom!
Bailey'sMom:where are you going?
Bailey:To Sean's.
Bailey'sMom:oh okay!

I go out and drive to his house. About 15 minutes later, I arrived. I got out of my car and briskly walked to his door which was wide open.

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