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I woke up pretty early today. Ah, another boring day of school. And remember the time i said Sean could get another chance? Well, he blew it. Boogie and Sean blew it. Boogie "accidentally" kissed Sean the other day and I found out. I mean, seriously? Accidentally? Wow.

I got ready and combed my hair. I wore black leggings, my crop top, nikes, and grabbed my adidas jacket then headed off.

Bailey:Bye Mom!
Bailey'sMom:Bye sweetie! Have fun!

I ran downstairs and started the car.

*car doesn't start*

Bailey:again? Seriously?

My car stopped again and I'm so annoyed. It's stops at the wrong moment on when I really need it. I guess I have to walk to school..

I pulled up my backpack and started walking. 30 minutes later, I finally arrived but I was late.

*at class*

Ms.W:You're Late.

I sat down on my seat and pulled out my notebook.

Bailey:I don't want to talk right now.
Ms.W:Sean Lew, Bailey Sok, out now.

Wow.. This is the second time the teacher has pulled me out because of Sean.we both walk outside and sit on the bench.

Bailey:You got me in trouble again.
Sean:Look I'm sorry okay?
Sean:I'm also sorry about boogie.

I look at him and roll my eyes.

Bailey:can we just shut up?
Sean:wow.. You're acting exactly like you were during the first day of school last year.
Bailey:ok, so why should I care?

I cross my eyebrows at him and he starts to say stuff that really annoys me.

Sean:Bailey, I want to talk to you.
Bailey:But I don't.. I think I'm ready for class.

I walk inside the classroom and sit on my chair as Sean comes right after me. Will stares at us from the corner of the room and I look at the board.

There are so many things I need to learn, it's giving me a legit headache right now. You know what? I'm so done.

Bailey:I'm out.

Ms.Williams looks at me and nods. I leave the classroom as I hear her shout Detention. Ugh. I walk and see Kenneth just standing there in the middle of the hallway.

Bailey:you okay?
Kenneth:no..did you hear about-
Bailey:boogie and Sean? Yeah.
Bailey:you really like her do you?

I give Kenneth a hug and he smiles.

Kenneth:I better get back to class.

He walks back to class and Ms.Williams points at the principals office and I walk to the office.

Principal: what brings you here Bailey?

I explain to the principal why and she excuses me because that's not an excuse to go to detention.

Bailey:thank you.

I head out and Sean grabs me.

Bailey:I said no.
Sean:Please just talk to me.
Bailey:Do you know how much it hurts to see your best friend kiss your boyfriend?

He looks down and I walk away but he grabs me again.


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