Drama all over again.

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He points at Bailey with his elbow who is standing and laughing at Tati's jokes. I'm so proud of Tati and Gabe. They're going to Justin's tour and dance for him.

I lean to the left and look at Bailey then boogie turns around.

Boogie:oh her?
Sean:what about "her?"

She gives me an unfamiliar look and rolls her eyes.

Sean:are you jealous?
Boogie:nope omg can you not?
Sean:who said I can't?

Bailey looks back at me and she waves. I wave back and smile. Boogie stared at me and I looked back at her.

Boogie:ugh. Nothing.
Sean:do you have a crush on me?
Boogie:ew. No. Why would I?
Sean:it's okay to admit cause you could see how many girls has a crush on me.

I point at the window where all these Fangirls take pictures of me and get all exited.

Boogie:yeah whatever.
Sean:you should be honored I'm actually going with you to chipotle.
Boogie:nope. Not feeling it.

She's acting like Bailey now. I wonder if baileys still mad at me.

Boogie:let's go?
Sean:uh- yeah.

I get this uncomfortable feeling whenever I "hang out" with boogie. It feels strange.. It's like she's involved in this friend zone between The three of us.

Sean:give me a minute could you?
Boogie:yeah sure.

I walk to Gabe,Bailey, and Tati then she looks at me.

Bailey:I think I'm gonna go.
Sean:are you kidding? I saw you wave at me when I was with boogie Bailey.
Bailey:cause I was being sarcastic. What else?
Gabe:okay guys stop.

He walks in front of me and Tati stares.

Sean:Can I just talk to you?
Bailey:you know what? Fine.
Gabe:Just don't hurt my lil' sis.

Tati looks jealous at this point. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Bailey smiles and hugs Gabe.

Sean:yeah sure whatever I won't.
Bailey:let's go.
Sean:but wait-
Bailey:It's either now or never.

I walk with her outside the studio and she crosses her arms.

Sean:why are you so mad?
Bailey:I just- I don't want to take things so easy.
Sean:But why?
Bailey:Cause if I do, what if you'll learn bad from it?

I was left speechless and our eyes locked.

Sean:But it's hard Bailey. You're my girlfriend and I can't stand you ignoring me.
Bailey:I feel the same. But this boogie girl just makes me feel real bad.
Sean:I don't want to be with her.
Bailey:that's just mean.
Sean:I'm your boyfriend Bailey. I don't want to be with boogie but I can't let her know that.

Boogie pov:
I was wondering what Sean and Bailey was talking about so I followed them. I hid in the corner right behind the wall on the opposite side of where Sean was talking to her.

"I don't want to be with her."

"I don't want to be with boogie but I can't let her know that."

Those words felt like a stab in the back. Tears fell from my face. Can't he just realize I have a crush on him? I know I might be friend-zoning here but still, I can't help it. I start to make crying noises and I run out the studio past by them.

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