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I hear a voice coming from the their side of the door.

Bailey:come in.

He walks in and I put on a wide smile on his face and he does the same.

Sean:thank you again for.. The donations.
Bailey:anything, and plus, you helped me when I was on a coma,psychosis,amnesia, and all that.
Bailey:I guess I really owe you.

He hopped on my bed and I started using my DS.

Bailey:why do you look sad?
Sean: ...
Bailey:oh wait, there's something even better than DS.

I put the DS down and turn it off. I look at him and smile. He blushes and smiles back then I turn my phone on.

Bailey:my phone!
Sean: *rolls eyes*
Bailey:I'm kidding.
Sean:thank god,
Sean:do you forgive Kenneth?
Bailey:I really like him Sean,

He looked down at what i said.

Bailey:but no.. I don't forgive him cause he hurt the greatest guy I've ever met ever since day one of my LA life.
Sean:wow, thanks..

He smiles and I smile back I rest my hand on his shoulder slowly sliding his hood off his head.

Sean:that was nice..
Bailey:it's the truth. It's beautiful isn't it?

Suddenly, my phone vibrates from my pocket. I looked at it and it was Kenneth..

Sean:go ahead, pick it up.
Bailey:you sure?

I pick it up and put it on speaker.

Kenneth:Bailey, I need your help right now.
Bailey:what is it?
Kenneth:there's this girl I had a crush on for months and I don't know how to tell her I like her. Can you practice with me?
Bailey:uhh.. Okay.

I look at Sean and he looks like he's going to punch the crap out of Kenneth.

Kenneth:I knew you for a long time, but I never got to tell you this. You're the most beautiful, smartest,cutest, girl I've ever met in my life. I like you.
Bailey:awe I like you too. Now go, I think it's time to tell her.
Kenneth:I already did.

I was silent after that.

Bailey:sorry, I uh-need to go. My moms calling.
Kenneth:uh, ok..bye.

I hand up and look at Sean and his smile fades away slowly.

Sean:he likes you? That's why he jacked me up?
Sean:should I stop seeing you to make him stop?
Bailey:wait what, no! No Sean. You shouldn't. Nothing's coming in between our friendship. Not again.

He looks at me and I try not to mess with his feelings.

Sean:I can't "like" the girl who my best friend likes.
Bailey:I lost you way too many times. I'm not losing you again.
Sean:I like you bailey,.. But you like him.
Bailey:stop changing the damn topic!

I slam my fist against the bed and look at him who's silent listening.

Bailey:I donated for you.. Cause if I didn't, you wouldn't be here right now with me.

I hold Sean's arm and grip it.

"I wish I could just ask you what you really think of me."

He gets up and holds the door handle.

Bailey:you're a great guy, the most sweetest person I've ever met. EVER. I look like a total idiot when you smile at me literally, when you run your fingers through your hair, ugh that gives me the-

I realize my rambling and he looks back at me with a smile.

Sean:I'm always open.

He smiles and opens his arms wide for a hug. I run and jump to him then wrap my arms around his torso. I grab his jacket like a kid trying to grab her doll from her older brother playfully teasing her or something. We both pull back and our foreheads meet and he interlocks his hand with mine.

Bailey:you done?

I felt his lips touch mine. It was a soft kiss. I didn't want to pull back but he ended up doing so.

Sean:good night.
Bailey:good night.

I lean against the doorframe and watch him leave. He looked back and smiled and I smiled back.

Once I couldn't hear his footsteps, I ran to the computer and turned it on.

*calling Tati McQuay*

Bailey:dude! Sean kissed me again.
Tati:what the heck man? He always kisses you. It's normal.
Bailey:not for me. He really likes me.
Tati:he broke up with you like three times just marry him already.
Bailey:what? *laughs*
Tati:I'm joking. Why do you guys keep breaking up and coming back?
Bailey:ugh, I don't know..
Tati:so? What's the other news.

I start screaming and literally sliding out of bed and hopping right back repeatedly.

Tati:ok,ok, calm down.
Bailey:*heavy breathing*
Tati.chill dude.
Bailey:ok, I think I'm good.. But there's another thing.
Bailey:Kenneth told me he likes me too and if I end up together with Sean, he'll kill me.
Tati:damn, your life is-
Bailey:yeah yeah.. Why does every boy who likes me have to be such douche bags?
Tati:don't know. Don't care.
Bailey:ugh, fine. I need to rest anyways.
Tati:fine, G-night.

*ends call*

Kylie:I heard it.
Bailey:what the- Kylie!?
Bailey:pretend you never did.
Kylie:it's too late.
Bailey:ugh fine.
Kylie:so? Is this guy Sean?
Kylie:hehe invite me to your wedding.

I threw a pillow at her as she laughed her ass off.

Kylie:ok, ok, I'm done..
Kylie:but first, you better stop the girl that's with him right now.



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