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I have these problems with choosing a Title so don't blame me😂^^

Bailey pov:

Finally, that horrible weekend is over. I got up from bed and stretched.

Bailey'sMom:Honey! You're gonna be late if your not ready yet!

I immediately checked the time.

7:54 oh crap! I took out some clothes from my closet without even looking on what I pulled out.

Maroon leggings,black jacket, and a black crop top. Not bad.. I pulled out my white high cut nikes and slipped them on.


I run downstairs and got in my car. I started the engine and drove off. I hate seeing school mates in public and a whole bunch of them moved in my village which creeps me out. About fifteen minutes later, I finally arrived. I got out of my car and ran inside my school.

Kenneth:Bailey! Twenty minutes until class!
Bailey:Phew.. Thanks Ken!

I ran and Sean opened his locker door and it slammed on my face.

Sean:Sorry Ba-*cough* sorry.. Are you okay?
Bailey:I think.

He pulls me up and laughs.

Sean:I didn't know we were twinning today.

I looked at his clothes and realized they looked an awfully lot like mine. Black jacket, maroon pants, and white converse. The difference is that I had leggings and a different brand shoes but they are both in the same color.

Bailey:Oh god.

He continues to laugh.

"Well I just pulled it out of my closet so that means you don't have any fashion sense at all." I mumble under my breath and make sure he doesn't hear anything.

Sean:Sorry what?
Bailey:N-Nothing. And we're still not chill okay?
Sean:what's up with you?
Bailey:It's hard. And I think it should be for you too.

I walk away and roll my eyes.


I turned around and Tati ran to me.

Tati:I saw you talking to Sean. So.. You guys are all cool now?
Bailey:Are you kidding Tati? He's a total douche.
Bailey:why do you want us to be chill so fast?
Tati:I just like watching you guys together. It's pretty cute.

I thought about it and she seems to like me and Sean being sweet to each other. I think it entertains her.

Tati:Oh hey.
Gabe:Let's get to class?
Tati:yeah sure. Hey bails?
Tati:I'll meet you in class okay?

To be honest, I'm trying to go easy on Sean since I don't wanna ruin his whole week after ruining his weekend. And well, it is Monday so I guess I'll start easy. I walked to class and so did the other students. I personally like being such a savage in front of him but sometimes it gets too harsh and I end up talking all simp.

I rushed to class and took my seat.

Boogie:Hey Sean.
Sean:Oh hi boogie.

Ugh. What now? a "can we hang out?" or maybe a "we should hand out sometime?"

Boogie:We should hang out some time.

Knew it.

Sean looks at me and I smiled sarcastically then looked back at boogie.

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