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Hey guys.. So I realized that Ken and Boogie hasn't been on the scenes that much so I decided to make This scene..
Ken pov:

Boogie:Hey Kenneth.

I looked at her while she was in her phone. She raised the phone up right in front of my face and I felt so down after she showed me a video that Tati sent her. Sean actually asked Bailey. Now I have no chance.

Boogie:Hey are you okay Big Bro?
Boogie:what's wrong?
Kenneth:well, I used to have a huge crush on Bailey.

Her eyes became big.

Boogie:So.. You have no chance?
Kenneth:I can't steal my Best friends girl Boogs of course I have no chance.
Boogie:that's okay. I'm here for you Ken.

She puts her arm around me and leans on my shoulder. I look at her for a second and I start to wonder. Boogie actually cares for me. She's like my little sister.

Boogie:so what do you say? Froyo? I'll buy it.
Kenneth:you don't have to.
Boogie:c'mon. It's a treat.

She stands up and holds out her hands to pull me up from the grass. I grabbed her hand as she pulled me up and we both walked to Froyo. We ordered our favorites and Boogies had some berries on top.she payed as we both headed out.

Boogie:so.. What do you wanna do next?
Kenneth:not sure.. How about we go to my place?
Boogie:good idea.

We both went inside my car as I drove. It was kinda traffic and it was raining at the same time. We arrived about 15 minutes after we left and I opened the door.

Kenneth'sMom:Oh hello Ken! Who's you're friend? *smiles*
Kenneth:Mom, this is Malia.
Kenneth'sMom:Hello Malia.
Boogie:Good Morning Mrs.San Jose.
Kenneth:Let's go upstairs.
Boogie:yeah sure.

Boogie runs upstairs to my room while my mom just stares at me and smirks.

Kenneth'sMom:Stop hanging out with girls that are party animals and hang out with girls like Malia. She's nice and pretty.
Kenneth:yeah whatever.

I sprint to my room and see boogie sitting down on my bed using her phone.

Boogie:well your mom is nice. *smiles*
Kenneth:not usually to girls I bring home but today, she's pretty nice for once.
Boogie:um- okay..

She taps the top of my hair as I look up.

Kenneth:what was that?
Boogie:Croc-odile hair.
Kenneth:Wow Malia.
Boogie:I know right.

We stared at each other for 4 seconds and I broke it.

Kenneth:okay! So what do you wanna do?
Boogie:let's COOK Something!
Kenneth:I'm not a great chef..
Boogie:who cares!

We run to the kitchen and start to prepare ingredients to make some cookies. But because of my stupid cooking knowledge, I accidentally replaced flour with Corn Starch. We baked it and then we had high expectations for the taste but the cornstarch ruined everything.


We both chomp on it.

Kenneth:oh my god it tastes horrible.
Boogie:we should have called Sean for this job..

Ugh.. Sean. His name just gives me the chills. Bailey doesn't deserve him.

Boogie:are you sure you're okay? Is it about her? Bailey?

I look away and face to the side while she pulls my chin back.

Boogie:it's okay.i know how it feels. That Happened with me too.

I gave boogie a hug and we headed back upstairs. We both sat on the bed silent.

Boogie:I don't know what to do now..

I looked down as she looked over at me.

Boogie:Ken.. I don't like seeing you sad.
Kenneth:I guess that's how it is Malia.
Boogie:hey.. Tell you what, in the future you'll already have a girlfriend maybe even better than you think.

I look at her and smile. She smiles back then combs  her hair with her fingers.

Kenneth:thanks Boogs.
Boogie:anything for my big brother.

I can't literally tell anything to boogie. She's literally like my little sister I never had. Well I love her like one. She's really like my best friend right now.

Boogie:well.. Maybe I should get going. It's getting pretty late.
Kenneth:yeah I'll walk you home?

We both walked and passed baileys house. We saw her with Sean near the porch as I stopped and stared. I kept walking and we arrived.

Kenneth:So I'll leave you here?
Boogie:yeah I guess.
Kenneth:okay bye Boogs.
Boogie:okay bye.. Be safe walking back home Kenny.
Kenneth:yeah I will.

I give her a hug and she pulls back then shuts the door. I walk back home and thought about today and ended everything with a smile and chuckle. That Girl.

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