all those Dreams✨

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Bailey pov:
Sean chases me around the neighborhood.. "Bailey!" I didn't look back. Tears were already flowing and bursting out of my eyes. I grab the blade I use to cut with and aim it on my wrist. "Bailey don't do that!" I'm about to do it until He stops me.

*bailey wakes up*
*heavy breathing*
Sean:woah are you okay?
Bailey:*nods* I just saw something when I slept.
Sean:a dream?

He sat down beside me and crossed his legs.

Sean:do you wanna talk about it?
Bailey:yeah sure..

I tell him all about it and what happened and he just looks at me.

Sean:you used a blade?
Bailey:yes.. *looks down*

I saw the expression in his face, it seems like he remembers something from the past.

Bailey:did anything like this happen before?
Sean:very close to the situation Bailey..
Bailey:what do you mean?
Sean:You cut yourself before.

He holds my arms and gently draws lines with his fingers.

Bailey:and you stopped me?

I hugged him real tight.

Bailey:I wish you were my older brother like seriously.
Sean:haha really?

I stop the hug and he slightly pushes me.

Sean:do you want to eat breakfast now?
Bailey:please.. I'm starving.
Sean:why didn't you tell me?
Bailey:but I don't really like hospital food..
Sean:who said you were going to eat hospital food?

He brings out a container that had bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toast.

Bailey:you cooked this?
Sean:uh huh.

I ate the food and omg it tasted amazing.

Bailey:you're so good at cooking!
Sean:well thanks. *smiles*

He strokes his hair and runs through it with his fingers.

Bailey:okay..what was that?

I try to imitate him.

Sean:haha that? I just fix my hair.
Sean:so where do you wanna go later huh?
Bailey:no idea.. Maybe I could go to one of my friends houses?
Sean:perfect! Let's go to Tati's house.

After I eat, I change my clothes.. I change. I try to make it simple. I put on a nice plain sleeveless tank top and pull out some shorts and wore something like a jacket- scarf thing.

 I put on a nice plain sleeveless tank top and pull out some shorts and wore something like a jacket- scarf thing

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Sean:wow you look nice in that outfit.
Bailey:you think? I don't even remember my style..
Sean:hey.. At least it works right?

He nudges my shoulder and holds my hand then we both ride his car..

Bailey:You can drive already?
Sean:yeah. And so can you.
Bailey:but I don't know how..
Sean:you're 16, it's now legal for you to drive. One time I'll teach you.

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