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I woke up to my mom yelling my name. Er.. I woke up pretty late. About, 9:30?

Bailey:I'm awake!
Bailey'sMom:You have a visitor!

Oh Lord..Don't tell me it's Sean. Let's just say I was right.. He knocked on the Door slowly as I made a soft voice.

Bailey:Come- *cough* in..

I haven't seen him in 2 whole days. I pretty much avoided him but not in front of my mom. She'd know somethings not right. I looked up to him and he looked so down.. He was paler than the last time i saw him. Way paler.i tried to be as nice as possible..

Bailey:are you okay?

I know he's nervous.. I just couldn't keep it in.

Bailey:Stop muttering it's not going to work.
Sean:*cough* sorry..
Bailey:why are you so pale?
Sean:oh that? I don't know..

He seems to be very honest about things in our conversation but I still can't get the thought off my head. He hurt Tristan.He hurt him.

Bailey'sMom:Tati is here!

Oh no.. Tati opens the door real quick. "oh hey love! I was just checking on-"

Tati:what are you doing here?

He looks over to me and looked down. Er.. I felt so bad..he knows I hated what he did but now he hates himself because he thinks I don't like him? I don't get it..


He's about to leave the room until i stood up from bed and grabbed his hand.

Bailey:Wait.. No.

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Tati's pretty sassy as well. He looks down to me and his hands were shaking.. It was cold too..

Bailey:are you sure your okay?

Tati gave me the "wtf are you doing" look.

Bailey:Can we.. Talk for a minute. Alone?
Tati:Fine. I'll be nice.

She smiles and steps out of the room and shuts the door.

Sean:I'm sorry..

What did I do.. He looks so freaking sad I don't know how to handle a boy this sad. He looked like he was punched by someone in the face or something. I just didn't know how to talk back. I didn't bother to place my hand on his cheek as we sat down on the bed. I gave him a warm smile.

Bailey:are you sure your okay?

He buried his face in hands and I opened them up.

Bailey:It's okay.
Sean:I'm scared.
Sean:The effect of what I do. It makes me feel worse.

He looks up to me like no ones never did. I felt so down when he looked at me and gosh this guy was serious. I felt bad.. So bad now. I placed my hand on his shoulder and scooted a bit closer to him.

Bailey:I still love you for who you are right?

He leaves no reply and just looks down.

Bailey:remember that okay?

I brushed  his hair off his face and kissed his forehead. He was cute.. Very cute gosh his dimples killed. And his collar bones look like they could cut stones or something.

#Sealey Book|2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora