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*a few days later*

I tried Rekindling with Bailey but she never forgave me. I tried calling, texting, she blocked me in everything.

I sat in the corner of my room with my legs crossed wearing my crappy v-neck blue shirt and some pants.

Sean:come on.. Pick up. Pick up.

Direct Message To:Bailey Sok

I finally thought it sent and I was yelling in joy until I hear a "ting" notification sound.

Your message to Bailey Sok was not sent.

I run my hands down my face and Sarah looks at me.

Sarah:are you.. Okay?
Sean:uh.. Yeah.

She looked at me and went back to weaving but Serris? She didn't care. I looked like that stupid younger brother trying to get at least 1 KOS' in Call of Duty or something.

I got stressed out and and whacked my phone against the floor.

Serris:What is up with you?
Sean:you know Bailey?
Serris:Of course I know Bailey.
Sean:She broke up with me.

My sisters stared at me then there eyes became big.

Sarah:she broke up with you?

I really don't want to answer that question. But, they are my sisters.

Sean:I'll tell you guys later.. But for now, I'm just trying to-
Serris:Send her a DM? Why don't you use your other account.

I face palm. Ahh.. Typical Sean. So smart you know?

I say in my head sarcastically. I log out of my account and go to my other one.

Direct Message To: Bailey Sok
Hey Bailey, I really need to talk to you. Pls text back in when you're free. Don't worry, it's not involving you know who. I just need to talk to you for once okay?

Direct Message To:SeanLewPictures
Yeah whatever. I'm free later if you are. Make sure I'm not gonna get mad about what you want to "talk" about cause it's not gonna work out well.
From:Bailey Sok

This girl is savage. I leaned against the wall and shrugged. I opened one of the drawers and smelled my cologne infesting the whole closet. I don't get why bailey doesn't like it. I looked down at the floor and Serris interrupts me.

Serris:you know,you could always share anything to me right?

I look up at her with a smile. I chuckled.

"Yeah Serris. Thanks."

Serris:doing what's best for nugget.

Ugh. I still hate that nickname.


I hear a loud thud outside and I look out my window. Someone was knocking in my door and I ran downstairs. I opened the door and there she was.

Sean:why did you come so early? *smirk*
Bailey:you said later. Later is now.

I was hoping she didn't come with anyone but Kenneth was with her and they were holding hands. I looked down at their hands then up at them.

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