Chapter 57

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Chapter 57: New Patrollers

            So at 6am PST, Scarlet is having trouble processing all that coffee.

            “G, I feel like I’m going to barf!” said Scarlet.

            “Don’t worry, it’s time to go! We just go to the HQ and get all of our things!” said Gary.

            “Wait, can I just go to the Lighthouse so I can be fully awake” said Scarlet.

            “Ok” said Gary.

            So they teleported to the Lighthouse and it was empty.

            “Why are we here?” asked Gary.

            Scarlet used her necklace and made a pair of drumsticks.

            “Use this and play the drums” said Scarlet.

            “Ok” said Gary. “But I don’t play the drums”

            “JUST DO IT!” said Scarlet. “The worse the better”

            “Ok” said Gary.

            So Gary went to the Drum set and played the worse loudest drum solo in CP History which woke up Scarlet.

            “Ready to Go!” said Scarlet. “Just need some food though”

            “Ok but we really have to go to HQ” said Gary.

            “Fine” said Scarlet.

            So they teleported to the Command Room. And when they arrived and Billybob place a bunch of tools on the Table and pizza for breakfast.

            “Hey!” said Scarlet.

            “Hey, come over, we have Pizza for Breakfast!” said Cadence.

            “Oh Pizza!” said Gary.

            They came over saw there are 3 boxes of new bought pizza.

            “Ok, we have Cheese for Scarlet and Billybob, Fish Dish for Gary and the Squid for the others” said Cadence.

            So they ate lots of Pizza and after an hour, they were ready to go but first, Billybob said his final assignment.

            “Ok, we are ready to go but we are doing it, Earth Style” said Billybob.

            “Don’t tell me!” said Scarlet.

            “That’s right, we are going camping!” said Billybob.

            “What’s camping?” asked Cadence.

            “Did you ever came to the Camp Penguin Party in 2008?” asked Scarlet.

            “I wasn’t there!” said Cadence. “I came out in 2009!”

            “Camping has to do going to the outdoors and sleeping in Tents” said Scarlet. “And I dislike camping”

            “Why?” asked Rockhopper.

            “I just hate the woods” said Scarlet.

            “When she went camping with me before when she was young, around 16, she had a Poison Ivy reaction” said Billybob. “Don’t worry Allie, there are no Poison Ivy in CP!”

            “Good to know” said Scarlet.

            “Ok, Great!” said Billybob. “Anyway, Rookie, JPG, Dot, PH, you have 4 more watchers”

            “Who are they?” asked PH.

            Billybob brought out his Spy Phone and called 4 penguins like it’s a walkie talkie.

            “Come in” said Billybob.

            The EPF door opened and it was 4 normal penguins – Allie’s childhood friends – Reed (Racer), Mira (Macy), Sky (Kayla) and Grace (Garnet).

            “OMG!” said Scarlet.

            “Allie!” said Mira.                  

            “Alicia!” said Reed.

            “Hi” said Grace.

            “Hello” said Sky.

            “Oh my, what are you doing here?” asked Scarlet.

            “We are going to be patrolling the Island penguin style!” said Reed.

            Reed saw Scarlet and Gary holding flippers and he got jealous.

            “Oh, G is here!” said Reed.

            “Get over it!” said Scarlet.

            “Why can’t you ever come back to loving me?” asked Reed.

            “Because I don’t want to love human guys anymore!” said Scarlet. “They don’t give me R – E – S – P –E – C – T!”

            “And love this nerd!” said Reed.

            “Hey!” said Gary.

            They both ran and started to try to attack but Scarlet pulled Gary’s body and Garnet hugged Reed’s body.

            “Reed, knock it off! You can’t have her!” yelled Garnet.

            “It’s not her, it’s that NERD!” yelled Reed.

            “Quit calling me nerd!” yelled Gary.

            “Maybe we should go” said Scarlet.

            “Yeah!” said Billybob. “Rookie, teleport yourselves out of here!”

            “Ok!” said Rookie.

            Rookie used his Spy Phone and teleported Dot, Jetpack Guy, PH, Mira, Reed, Sky, Garnet and himself to the Town Centre to start patrolling. When they were gone, Billybob forgot something.

            “Oh dear, I forgot to tell him something” said Billybob.

            So he texted Rookie and when he received it, he was shocked.

            “HOLY TOLEDO!” sad Rookie.

            “What?” asked Dot.

            “I’m in charged!” said Rookie.

            Back at HQ, they packed their entire tool and were ready to go.

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